Rating Group: The John Birch Society

2001 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

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results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Jeff Flake 100%
Robert Schaffer 100%
Bob Bennett 95%
Jesse Helms 95%
John Hostettler 95%
Jim Inhofe 95%
Jon Kyl 95%
Ron Paul 95%
Tom Tancredo 95%
Todd Akin 90%
Jim Bunning 90%
William Frist 90%
William Phillip Gramm 90%
Frank Murkowski 90%
Don Nickles 90%
Pat Roberts 90%
Rick Santorum 90%
Richard Shelby 90%
Bob Smith 90%
Craig Thomas 90%
Strom Thurmond 90%
George Voinovich 90%
Wayne Allard 89%
Conrad Burns 89%
Mike Enzi 89%
Mike Pence 89%
Kit Bond 85%
Sam Brownback 85%
Ben Campbell 85%
Larry Craig 85%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo Republican 85%
John Doolittle 85%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 85%
Judd Gregg 85%
Charles Hagel 85%
Orrin Hatch 85%
Joel Hefley 85%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 85%
Brian Kerns 85%
Richard Pombo 85%
John Shadegg 85%
Cliff Stearns 85%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 84%
Walter Jones, Jr. 84%
Peter Fitzgerald 83%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 83%
Ed Royce 83%
Dan Burton 82%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 82%
George Allen 80%
Roscoe Bartlett 80%
OH Governor Mike DeWine Republican 80%
John Duncan, Jr. 80%
John Ensign 80%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley Republican 80%
Wally Herger, Jr. 80%
Pete Hoekstra 80%
Kay Hutchison 80%
Sam Johnson 80%
Trent Lott, Sr. 80%
Dick Lugar 80%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 80%
Joe Pitts 80%
Dana Rohrabacher 80%
Jim Ryun 80%
Jeff Sessions III 80%
Gordon Smith 80%
Fred Thompson 80%
John Warner 80%
David Weldon 80%
Mark Souder 79%
Bob Barr, Jr. 75%
Joe Barton 75%
Roy Blunt 75%
Eric Cantor 75%
Steve Chabot 75%
Howard Coble 75%
Thad Cochran 75%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 75%
Philip Crane 75%
John Culberson 75%
Jo Ann Davis 75%
James DeMint 75%
Ron Lewis 75%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas Republican 75%
Don Manzullo 75%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran Republican 75%
Sue Myrick 75%
Butch Otter 75%
Paul Ryan 75%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions Republican 75%
Olympia Snowe 75%
Todd Tiahrt 75%
Pat Toomey 75%
David Vitter 75%
James Hansen 74%
Jack Kingston 72%
Jerry Lewis 72%
Ted Stevens 72%
Mac Thornberry 72%
State Office Name Party Rating
Jeff Flake 100%
Robert Schaffer 100%
Bob Bennett 95%
Jesse Helms 95%
John Hostettler 95%
Jim Inhofe 95%
Jon Kyl 95%
Ron Paul 95%
Tom Tancredo 95%
Todd Akin 90%
Jim Bunning 90%
William Frist 90%
William Phillip Gramm 90%
Frank Murkowski 90%
Don Nickles 90%
Pat Roberts 90%
Rick Santorum 90%
Richard Shelby 90%
Bob Smith 90%
Craig Thomas 90%
Strom Thurmond 90%
George Voinovich 90%
Wayne Allard 89%
Conrad Burns 89%
Mike Enzi 89%
Mike Pence 89%
Kit Bond 85%
Sam Brownback 85%
Ben Campbell 85%
Larry Craig 85%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo R 85%
John Doolittle 85%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 85%
Judd Gregg 85%
Charles Hagel 85%
Orrin Hatch 85%
Joel Hefley 85%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 85%
Brian Kerns 85%
Richard Pombo 85%
John Shadegg 85%
Cliff Stearns 85%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 84%
Walter Jones, Jr. 84%
Peter Fitzgerald 83%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 83%
Ed Royce 83%
Dan Burton 82%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 82%
George Allen 80%
Roscoe Bartlett 80%
OH Governor Mike DeWine R 80%
John Duncan, Jr. 80%
John Ensign 80%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley R 80%
Wally Herger, Jr. 80%
Pete Hoekstra 80%
Kay Hutchison 80%
Sam Johnson 80%
Trent Lott, Sr. 80%
Dick Lugar 80%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 80%
Joe Pitts 80%
Dana Rohrabacher 80%
Jim Ryun 80%
Jeff Sessions III 80%
Gordon Smith 80%
Fred Thompson 80%
John Warner 80%
David Weldon 80%
Mark Souder 79%
Bob Barr, Jr. 75%
Joe Barton 75%
Roy Blunt 75%
Eric Cantor 75%
Steve Chabot 75%
Howard Coble 75%
Thad Cochran 75%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 75%
Philip Crane 75%
John Culberson 75%
Jo Ann Davis 75%
James DeMint 75%
Ron Lewis 75%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas R 75%
Don Manzullo 75%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran R 75%
Sue Myrick 75%
Butch Otter 75%
Paul Ryan 75%
TX U.S. House - 17 Pete Sessions R 75%
Olympia Snowe 75%
Todd Tiahrt 75%
Pat Toomey 75%
David Vitter 75%
James Hansen 74%
Jack Kingston 72%
Jerry Lewis 72%
Ted Stevens 72%
Mac Thornberry 72%
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