Rating Group: Progressive Patriots Fund

2009-2010 Progressive Action Score

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
NY U.S. House - 7 Nydia Velázquez Democratic 50%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic 50%
Mark Begich 48%
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper Democratic 48%
Ted Kaufman 48%
Claire McCaskill 48%
Jay Rockefeller IV 48%
MT U.S. Senate - Sr Jon Tester Democratic 48%
Gary Ackerman 47%
Brian Baird 47%
Bruce Braley 47%
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor Democratic 47%
MO U.S. House - 5 Emanuel Cleaver II Democratic 47%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 47%
Alan Grayson 47%
CT U.S. House - 4 Jim Himes Democratic 47%
Carolyn Kilpatrick 47%
MA U.S. House - 8 Stephen Lynch Democratic 47%
Brad Miller 47%
Dennis Moore 47%
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal Democratic 47%
Laura Richardson 47%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith Democratic 47%
CA U.S. House - 4 Mike Thompson Democratic 47%
Anthony Weiner 47%
Kent Conrad 45%
Al Franken 45%
Timothy Johnson 45%
Shelley Berkley 44%
Bob Brady 44%
Corrine Brown 44%
Joe Crowley 44%
Bill Delahunt 44%
Charlie Gonzalez 44%
Luis Gutiérrez 44%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic 44%
Eddie Johnson 44%
Mary Jo Kilroy 44%
Dave Loebsack 44%
Dan Maffei 44%
Jerry McNerney 44%
CT U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Murphy Democratic 44%
Charlie Rangel 44%
Tim Ryan 44%
Allyson Schwartz 44%
Joe Sestak, Jr. 44%
John Yarmuth 44%
Joe Baca, Sr. 41%
Max Baucus 41%
Evan Bayh 41%
CA U.S. House - 28 Judy Chu Democratic 41%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn Democratic 41%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 41%
Gabrielle Giffords 41%
Steve Kagen 41%
OH U.S. House - 9 Marcy Kaptur Democratic 41%
Jim Langevin 41%
Sandy Levin 41%
Blanche Lincoln 41%
Patrick Murphy 41%
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. Democratic 41%
Ed Perlmutter 41%
Mark Pryor 41%
Olympia Snowe 41%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson Democratic 41%
Pete Visclosky 41%
John Adler 38%
Jim Cooper 38%
Jerry Costello 38%
Norm Dicks 38%
Gene Green 38%
Brian Higgins 38%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer Democratic 38%
Dale Kildee 38%
Ron Klein 38%
State Office Name Party Rating
NY U.S. House - 7 Nydia Velázquez D 50%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D 50%
Mark Begich 48%
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper D 48%
Ted Kaufman 48%
Claire McCaskill 48%
Jay Rockefeller IV 48%
MT U.S. Senate - Sr Jon Tester D 48%
Gary Ackerman 47%
Brian Baird 47%
Bruce Braley 47%
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor D 47%
MO U.S. House - 5 Emanuel Cleaver II D 47%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 47%
Alan Grayson 47%
CT U.S. House - 4 Jim Himes D 47%
Carolyn Kilpatrick 47%
MA U.S. House - 8 Stephen Lynch D 47%
Brad Miller 47%
Dennis Moore 47%
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal D 47%
Laura Richardson 47%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith D 47%
CA U.S. House - 4 Mike Thompson D 47%
Anthony Weiner 47%
Kent Conrad 45%
Al Franken 45%
Timothy Johnson 45%
Shelley Berkley 44%
Bob Brady 44%
Corrine Brown 44%
Joe Crowley 44%
Bill Delahunt 44%
Charlie Gonzalez 44%
Luis Gutiérrez 44%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee D 44%
Eddie Johnson 44%
Mary Jo Kilroy 44%
Dave Loebsack 44%
Dan Maffei 44%
Jerry McNerney 44%
CT U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Murphy D 44%
Charlie Rangel 44%
Tim Ryan 44%
Allyson Schwartz 44%
Joe Sestak, Jr. 44%
John Yarmuth 44%
Joe Baca, Sr. 41%
Max Baucus 41%
Evan Bayh 41%
CA U.S. House - 28 Judy Chu D 41%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn D 41%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 41%
Gabrielle Giffords 41%
Steve Kagen 41%
OH U.S. House - 9 Marcy Kaptur D 41%
Jim Langevin 41%
Sandy Levin 41%
Blanche Lincoln 41%
Patrick Murphy 41%
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. D 41%
Ed Perlmutter 41%
Mark Pryor 41%
Olympia Snowe 41%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson D 41%
Pete Visclosky 41%
John Adler 38%
Jim Cooper 38%
Jerry Costello 38%
Norm Dicks 38%
Gene Green 38%
Brian Higgins 38%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer D 38%
Dale Kildee 38%
Ron Klein 38%