Rating Group: National Journal

2006 Liberal on Foreign Policy Score

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Jay Rockefeller IV 60%
John Dingell 59%
Brian Higgins 59%
Jack Murtha 59%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger Democratic 59%
John Salazar 59%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa Democratic 58%
Lincoln Davis 58%
John Duncan, Jr. 58%
Bob Etheridge 58%
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 58%
Bill Nelson, Sr. 58%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 58%
Dennis Cardoza 57%
Walter Jones, Jr. 57%
Mike McIntyre 57%
Mark Pryor 57%
John Spratt, Jr. 57%
Melissa Bean 56%
Artur Davis 56%
Wayne Gilchrest 56%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran Republican 56%
Olympia Snowe 56%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 55%
Vern Ehlers 55%
Mary Landrieu 55%
James Ramstad 55%
John Tanner 55%
Ben Chandler III 54%
Steve LaTourette 54%
Joe Lieberman 54%
Ike Skelton 54%
Jim Matheson 53%
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 53%
Collin Peterson 53%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 53%
John Barrow 52%
Jeff Flake 52%
Todd Platts 52%
Christopher Shays 52%
Gene Taylor 52%
Roscoe Bartlett 51%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 51%
Chet Edwards 51%
Ben Nelson 51%
Gordon Smith 51%
Dan Boren 50%
Robert Cramer 50%
Jim Gerlach 50%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 50%
Arlen Specter 50%
Fred Upton 50%
Charlie Dent 49%
Frank LoBiondo 49%
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. Democratic 47%
Norm Coleman 47%
Ralph Hall 47%
Ray LaHood 47%
Tom Petri 47%
John Sununu 47%
Tom Tancredo 47%
Pat Tiberi 47%
Judd Gregg 46%
Kenny Hulshof 46%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 46%
Scott Garrett 45%
Jim Marshall 45%
Thaddeus McCotter 45%
Dave Reichert 45%
Heather Wilson 45%
Judy Biggert 43%
Mike Castle 43%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar Democratic 43%
Michael Ferguson 43%
Mark Kirk 43%
Bob Bennett 42%
Richard Burr 42%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 42%
Dick Lugar 42%
Joe Pitts 42%
Richard Renzi 42%
Paul Ryan 42%
John Warner 42%
George Radanovich 41%
Cliff Stearns 41%
John McCain III 40%
Richard Shelby 40%
Dave Camp 38%
Howard Coble 38%
Philip English 38%
Tom Feeney 38%
Jeff Fortenberry 38%
Louie Gohmert 38%
Tim Johnson 38%
Jon Porter, Sr. 38%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers Republican 38%
Ed Royce 38%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 37%
Thad Cochran 36%
John Ensign 36%
State Office Name Party Rating
Jay Rockefeller IV 60%
John Dingell 59%
Brian Higgins 59%
Jack Murtha 59%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger D 59%
John Salazar 59%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa D 58%
Lincoln Davis 58%
John Duncan, Jr. 58%
Bob Etheridge 58%
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 58%
Bill Nelson, Sr. 58%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 58%
Dennis Cardoza 57%
Walter Jones, Jr. 57%
Mike McIntyre 57%
Mark Pryor 57%
John Spratt, Jr. 57%
Melissa Bean 56%
Artur Davis 56%
Wayne Gilchrest 56%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran R 56%
Olympia Snowe 56%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 55%
Vern Ehlers 55%
Mary Landrieu 55%
James Ramstad 55%
John Tanner 55%
Ben Chandler III 54%
Steve LaTourette 54%
Joe Lieberman 54%
Ike Skelton 54%
Jim Matheson 53%
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 53%
Collin Peterson 53%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 53%
John Barrow 52%
Jeff Flake 52%
Todd Platts 52%
Christopher Shays 52%
Gene Taylor 52%
Roscoe Bartlett 51%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 51%
Chet Edwards 51%
Ben Nelson 51%
Gordon Smith 51%
Dan Boren 50%
Robert Cramer 50%
Jim Gerlach 50%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 50%
Arlen Specter 50%
Fred Upton 50%
Charlie Dent 49%
Frank LoBiondo 49%
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. D 47%
Norm Coleman 47%
Ralph Hall 47%
Ray LaHood 47%
Tom Petri 47%
John Sununu 47%
Tom Tancredo 47%
Pat Tiberi 47%
Judd Gregg 46%
Kenny Hulshof 46%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 46%
Scott Garrett 45%
Jim Marshall 45%
Thaddeus McCotter 45%
Dave Reichert 45%
Heather Wilson 45%
Judy Biggert 43%
Mike Castle 43%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar D 43%
Michael Ferguson 43%
Mark Kirk 43%
Bob Bennett 42%
Richard Burr 42%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 42%
Dick Lugar 42%
Joe Pitts 42%
Richard Renzi 42%
Paul Ryan 42%
John Warner 42%
George Radanovich 41%
Cliff Stearns 41%
John McCain III 40%
Richard Shelby 40%
Dave Camp 38%
Howard Coble 38%
Philip English 38%
Tom Feeney 38%
Jeff Fortenberry 38%
Louie Gohmert 38%
Tim Johnson 38%
Jon Porter, Sr. 38%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers R 38%
Ed Royce 38%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 37%
Thad Cochran 36%
John Ensign 36%