Rating Group: American Veterinary Medical Association

2014 Positions on Professional Advocacy

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor Democratic 67%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 67%
Elijah Cummings 67%
John Delaney 67%
Ted Deutch 67%
Sam Farr 67%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 67%
Mike Fitzpatrick 67%
IL U.S. House - 11 Bill Foster Democratic 67%
FL U.S. House - 22 Lois Frankel Democratic 67%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 67%
Joe Garcia 67%
Jim Gerlach 67%
NY U.S. Senate - Jr Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic 67%
Michael Grimm 67%
Luis Gutiérrez 67%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 67%
NV U.S. House - 4 Steven Horsford Democratic 67%
CA U.S. House - 2 Jared Huffman Democratic 67%
GA U.S. House - 4 Hank Johnson, Jr. Democratic 67%
MA U.S. House - 9 Bill Keating Democratic 67%
IL U.S. House - 2 Robin Kelly Democratic 67%
Joe Kennedy III 67%
WA U.S. House - 6 Derek Kilmer Democratic 67%
Pete King 67%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen Democratic 67%
Carl Levin 67%
Frank LoBiondo 67%
Nita Lowey 67%
NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Democratic 67%
NM U.S. Senate - Sr Ben Luján, Jr. Democratic 67%
Tom Marino 67%
CA U.S. House - 7 Doris Matsui Democratic 67%
Carolyn McCarthy 67%
MN U.S. House - 4 Betty McCollum Democratic 67%
Jerry McNerney 67%
NY U.S. House - 5 Gregory Meeks Democratic 67%
NY U.S. House - 6 Grace Meng Democratic 67%
Gary Miller 67%
Patrick Murphy 67%
Beto O'Rourke 67%
NJ U.S. House - 6 Frank Pallone, Jr. Democratic 67%
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. Democratic 67%
MI U.S. Senate - Jr Gary Peters Democratic 67%
IL U.S. House - 5 Mike Quigley Democratic 67%
Peter Roskam 67%
Dennis Ross 67%
Ed Royce 67%
CA U.S. House - 25 Raul Ruiz Democratic 67%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger Democratic 67%
Loretta Sanchez 67%
MD U.S. House - 3 John Sarbanes Democratic 67%
CA U.S. House - 30 Adam Schiff Democratic 67%
AZ U.S. Senate - Sr Kyrsten Sinema Independent 67%
Albio Sires 67%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 67%
CA U.S. House - 39 Mark Takano Democratic 67%
NV U.S. House - 1 Dina Titus Democratic 67%
MD U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Van Hollen, Jr. Democratic 67%
CA U.S. House - 52 Juan Vargas Democratic 67%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic 67%
FL U.S. House - 24 Frederica Wilson Democratic 67%
TN U.S. House - 9 Steve Cohen Democratic 60%
VA U.S. House - 11 Gerry Connolly Democratic 60%
AZ U.S. House - 7 Raul Grijalva Democratic 60%
Rush Holt, Jr. 60%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren Democratic 60%
Jim Moran, Jr. 60%
David Price 60%
Charlie Rangel 60%
RI U.S. Senate - Sr Jack Reed Democratic 60%
IL U.S. House - 9 Jan Schakowsky Democratic 60%
Carol Shea-Porter 60%
John Tierney 60%
RI U.S. Senate - Jr Sheldon Whitehouse Democratic 60%
State Office Name Party Rating
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor D 67%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 67%
Elijah Cummings 67%
John Delaney 67%
Ted Deutch 67%
Sam Farr 67%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 67%
Mike Fitzpatrick 67%
IL U.S. House - 11 Bill Foster D 67%
FL U.S. House - 22 Lois Frankel D 67%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 67%
Joe Garcia 67%
Jim Gerlach 67%
NY U.S. Senate - Jr Kirsten Gillibrand D 67%
Michael Grimm 67%
Luis Gutiérrez 67%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 67%
NV U.S. House - 4 Steven Horsford D 67%
CA U.S. House - 2 Jared Huffman D 67%
GA U.S. House - 4 Hank Johnson, Jr. D 67%
MA U.S. House - 9 Bill Keating D 67%
IL U.S. House - 2 Robin Kelly D 67%
Joe Kennedy III 67%
WA U.S. House - 6 Derek Kilmer D 67%
Pete King 67%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen D 67%
Carl Levin 67%
Frank LoBiondo 67%
Nita Lowey 67%
NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham D 67%
NM U.S. Senate - Sr Ben Luján, Jr. D 67%
Tom Marino 67%
CA U.S. House - 7 Doris Matsui D 67%
Carolyn McCarthy 67%
MN U.S. House - 4 Betty McCollum D 67%
Jerry McNerney 67%
NY U.S. House - 5 Gregory Meeks D 67%
NY U.S. House - 6 Grace Meng D 67%
Gary Miller 67%
Patrick Murphy 67%
Beto O'Rourke 67%
NJ U.S. House - 6 Frank Pallone, Jr. D 67%
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. D 67%
MI U.S. Senate - Jr Gary Peters D 67%
IL U.S. House - 5 Mike Quigley D 67%
Peter Roskam 67%
Dennis Ross 67%
Ed Royce 67%
CA U.S. House - 25 Raul Ruiz D 67%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger D 67%
Loretta Sanchez 67%
MD U.S. House - 3 John Sarbanes D 67%
CA U.S. House - 30 Adam Schiff D 67%
AZ U.S. Senate - Sr Kyrsten Sinema I 67%
Albio Sires 67%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 67%
CA U.S. House - 39 Mark Takano D 67%
NV U.S. House - 1 Dina Titus D 67%
MD U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Van Hollen, Jr. D 67%
CA U.S. House - 52 Juan Vargas D 67%
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D 67%
FL U.S. House - 24 Frederica Wilson D 67%
TN U.S. House - 9 Steve Cohen D 60%
VA U.S. House - 11 Gerry Connolly D 60%
AZ U.S. House - 7 Raul Grijalva D 60%
Rush Holt, Jr. 60%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren D 60%
Jim Moran, Jr. 60%
David Price 60%
Charlie Rangel 60%
RI U.S. Senate - Sr Jack Reed D 60%
IL U.S. House - 9 Jan Schakowsky D 60%
Carol Shea-Porter 60%
John Tierney 60%
RI U.S. Senate - Jr Sheldon Whitehouse D 60%