Rating Group: National Association of Counties

2005-2006 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Neil Abercrombie 56%
Gary Ackerman 60%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 87%
Todd Akin 69%
Lamar Alexander 50%
Rodney Alexander 65%
Wayne Allard 43%
Thomas Allen 56%
Rob Andrews 59%
Joe Baca, Sr. 68%
Spencer Bachus 66%
Brian Baird 69%
Richard Hugh Baker 60%
J. Gresham Barrett 63%
John Barrow 63%
Roscoe Bartlett 60%
Joe Barton 60%
Max Baucus 86%
Evan Bayh 86%
Melissa Bean 56%
Bob Bennett 53%
Shelley Berkley 59%
Howard Berman 59%
Marion Berry 65%
Judy Biggert 65%
Brian Bilbray 87%
Jeff Bingaman 75%
Rob Bishop 66%
Tim Bishop 60%
Roy Blunt 65%
John Boehner 71%
Kit Bond 31%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 63%
Mary Bono Mack 66%
Dan Boren 65%
Leonard Boswell 61%
Rick Boucher 59%
Charles Boustany, Jr. 69%
Barbara Boxer 80%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 72%
Kevin Brady 59%
Bob Brady 66%
Corrine Brown 56%
Henry Brown, Jr. 65%
Ginny Brown-Waite 72%
Sam Brownback 50%
Jim Bunning 40%
Richard Burr 37%
Dan Burton 68%
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. 69%
Steve Buyer 71%
Robert Byrd 75%
Dave Camp 69%
John Campbell III 41%
Chris Cannon 61%
Eric Cantor 65%
Lois Capps 59%
Mike Capuano 60%
Dennis Cardoza 77%
Russ Carnahan 60%
Julia Carson 57%
Mike Castle 61%
Steve Chabot 69%
Saxby Chambliss 37%
Ben Chandler III 60%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 52%
Hillary Clinton 81%
Howard Coble 63%
Thomas Coburn 43%
Thad Cochran 50%
Norm Coleman 78%
Mike Conaway 60%
Kent Conrad 75%
John Conyers, Jr. 65%
Jim Cooper 57%
Jerry Costello 56%
Larry Craig 50%
Robert Cramer 65%
Ander Crenshaw 65%
Joe Crowley 57%
Barbara Cubin 69%
John Culberson 52%
Elijah Cummings 60%
Artur Davis 73%
Geoff Davis 69%
Jo Ann Davis 70%
Lincoln Davis 69%
Susan Davis 60%
Thomas Davis III 65%
Peter DeFazio 63%
James DeMint 43%
Nathan Deal 65%
Bill Delahunt 52%
Charlie Dent 69%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 63%
Norm Dicks 60%
John Dingell 73%
Chris Dodd 75%
Elizabeth Dole 50%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 50%
State Office Name Party Rating
Neil Abercrombie 56%
Gary Ackerman 60%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 87%
Todd Akin 69%
Lamar Alexander 50%
Rodney Alexander 65%
Wayne Allard 43%
Thomas Allen 56%
Rob Andrews 59%
Joe Baca, Sr. 68%
Spencer Bachus 66%
Brian Baird 69%
Richard Hugh Baker 60%
J. Gresham Barrett 63%
John Barrow 63%
Roscoe Bartlett 60%
Joe Barton 60%
Max Baucus 86%
Evan Bayh 86%
Melissa Bean 56%
Bob Bennett 53%
Shelley Berkley 59%
Howard Berman 59%
Marion Berry 65%
Judy Biggert 65%
Brian Bilbray 87%
Jeff Bingaman 75%
Rob Bishop 66%
Tim Bishop 60%
Roy Blunt 65%
John Boehner 71%
Kit Bond 31%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 63%
Mary Bono Mack 66%
Dan Boren 65%
Leonard Boswell 61%
Rick Boucher 59%
Charles Boustany, Jr. 69%
Barbara Boxer 80%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 72%
Kevin Brady 59%
Bob Brady 66%
Corrine Brown 56%
Henry Brown, Jr. 65%
Ginny Brown-Waite 72%
Sam Brownback 50%
Jim Bunning 40%
Richard Burr 37%
Dan Burton 68%
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. 69%
Steve Buyer 71%
Robert Byrd 75%
Dave Camp 69%
John Campbell III 41%
Chris Cannon 61%
Eric Cantor 65%
Lois Capps 59%
Mike Capuano 60%
Dennis Cardoza 77%
Russ Carnahan 60%
Julia Carson 57%
Mike Castle 61%
Steve Chabot 69%
Saxby Chambliss 37%
Ben Chandler III 60%
Lacy Clay, Jr. 52%
Hillary Clinton 81%
Howard Coble 63%
Thomas Coburn 43%
Thad Cochran 50%
Norm Coleman 78%
Mike Conaway 60%
Kent Conrad 75%
John Conyers, Jr. 65%
Jim Cooper 57%
Jerry Costello 56%
Larry Craig 50%
Robert Cramer 65%
Ander Crenshaw 65%
Joe Crowley 57%
Barbara Cubin 69%
John Culberson 52%
Elijah Cummings 60%
Artur Davis 73%
Geoff Davis 69%
Jo Ann Davis 70%
Lincoln Davis 69%
Susan Davis 60%
Thomas Davis III 65%
Peter DeFazio 63%
James DeMint 43%
Nathan Deal 65%
Bill Delahunt 52%
Charlie Dent 69%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 63%
Norm Dicks 60%
John Dingell 73%
Chris Dodd 75%
Elizabeth Dole 50%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 50%