Rating Group: Taxpayers for Common Sense

1998 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Mike Enzi 44%
Bob Etheridge 44%
Elizabeth Furse 44%
Bart Gordon 44%
Daniel Graham 44%
Judd Gregg 44%
Lee Hamilton 44%
David Lee Hobson 44%
Darlene Hooley 44%
James Merrill Jeffords 44%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 44%
Joseph Kennedy II 44%
Frank Lautenberg 44%
Frank Mascara 44%
Michael McNulty 44%
John Moakley 44%
Carol Moseley Braun 44%
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray Democratic 44%
Michael Pappas 44%
Glenn Poshard 44%
Charlie Rangel 44%
Robert Schaffer 44%
John Shadegg 44%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 44%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson Democratic 44%
Fred Thompson 44%
Karen Thurman 44%
Robert Torricelli 44%
Ed Towns 44%
John Warner 44%
Mel Watt 44%
Albert Wynn 44%
Mark Souder 42%
Henry Scott Baesler 41%
Charlie Bass 41%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 41%
Patsy Ann Danner 41%
Nathan Deal 41%
Vern Ehlers 41%
Victor Fazio 41%
Michael Patrick Forbes 41%
Jon David Fox 41%
J.D. Hayworth, Jr. 41%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic 41%
Nancy Johnson 41%
Barbara Bailey Kennelly 41%
Jack Kingston 41%
Nicholas Lampson 41%
Thomas Manton 41%
Robert Matsui 41%
Mike McIntyre 41%
Carrie Meek 41%
Juanita Millender-McDonald 41%
Jim Oberstar 41%
Ed Pastor 41%
James Rogan 41%
Marge Roukema 41%
VA U.S. House - 3 Bobby Scott Democratic 41%
José Serrano 41%
Louise Slaughter 41%
W. Curtis Weldon 41%
Wayne Allard 40%
Jeff Bingaman 40%
Kent Conrad 40%
Chris Dodd 40%
Byron Dorgan 40%
William Phillip Gramm 40%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley Republican 40%
Jim Inhofe 40%
Dirk Kempthorne 40%
Bob Kerrey 40%
Jay Rockefeller IV 40%
Rick Santorum 40%
Joel Hefley 39%
Roscoe Bartlett 38%
Sherwood Boehlert 38%
Rick Boucher 38%
Julian Dixon 38%
Philip English 38%
John Ganske 38%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham Republican 38%
James Greenwood 38%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 38%
William Jefferson 38%
Sue Kelly 38%
Matthew Martinez 38%
Bill McCollum 38%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 38%
Earl Pomeroy 38%
Nick Rahall II 38%
Ciro Rodriguez 38%
Charles Stenholm 38%
John Sununu 38%
Ellen Tauscher 38%
Esteban Edward Torres 38%
Rick White 38%
NA President Joe Biden, Jr. Democratic 36%
Barbara Boxer 36%
Joseph Maxwell Cleland 36%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin Democratic 36%
State Office Name Party Rating
Mike Enzi 44%
Bob Etheridge 44%
Elizabeth Furse 44%
Bart Gordon 44%
Daniel Graham 44%
Judd Gregg 44%
Lee Hamilton 44%
David Lee Hobson 44%
Darlene Hooley 44%
James Merrill Jeffords 44%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 44%
Joseph Kennedy II 44%
Frank Lautenberg 44%
Frank Mascara 44%
Michael McNulty 44%
John Moakley 44%
Carol Moseley Braun 44%
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray D 44%
Michael Pappas 44%
Glenn Poshard 44%
Charlie Rangel 44%
Robert Schaffer 44%
John Shadegg 44%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 44%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson D 44%
Fred Thompson 44%
Karen Thurman 44%
Robert Torricelli 44%
Ed Towns 44%
John Warner 44%
Mel Watt 44%
Albert Wynn 44%
Mark Souder 42%
Henry Scott Baesler 41%
Charlie Bass 41%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 41%
Patsy Ann Danner 41%
Nathan Deal 41%
Vern Ehlers 41%
Victor Fazio 41%
Michael Patrick Forbes 41%
Jon David Fox 41%
J.D. Hayworth, Jr. 41%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee D 41%
Nancy Johnson 41%
Barbara Bailey Kennelly 41%
Jack Kingston 41%
Nicholas Lampson 41%
Thomas Manton 41%
Robert Matsui 41%
Mike McIntyre 41%
Carrie Meek 41%
Juanita Millender-McDonald 41%
Jim Oberstar 41%
Ed Pastor 41%
James Rogan 41%
Marge Roukema 41%
VA U.S. House - 3 Bobby Scott D 41%
José Serrano 41%
Louise Slaughter 41%
W. Curtis Weldon 41%
Wayne Allard 40%
Jeff Bingaman 40%
Kent Conrad 40%
Chris Dodd 40%
Byron Dorgan 40%
William Phillip Gramm 40%
IA U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Grassley R 40%
Jim Inhofe 40%
Dirk Kempthorne 40%
Bob Kerrey 40%
Jay Rockefeller IV 40%
Rick Santorum 40%
Joel Hefley 39%
Roscoe Bartlett 38%
Sherwood Boehlert 38%
Rick Boucher 38%
Julian Dixon 38%
Philip English 38%
John Ganske 38%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham R 38%
James Greenwood 38%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 38%
William Jefferson 38%
Sue Kelly 38%
Matthew Martinez 38%
Bill McCollum 38%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 38%
Earl Pomeroy 38%
Nick Rahall II 38%
Ciro Rodriguez 38%
Charles Stenholm 38%
John Sununu 38%
Ellen Tauscher 38%
Esteban Edward Torres 38%
Rick White 38%
NA President Joe Biden, Jr. D 36%
Barbara Boxer 36%
Joseph Maxwell Cleland 36%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin D 36%