Rating Group: Taxpayers for Common Sense

1998 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Robert William Ney 26%
Anne Northup 26%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 26%
John Peterson 26%
Frank Riggs 26%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 26%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 26%
Gerald Weller 26%
Richard Armey 24%
Bill Barrett 24%
Bob Bennett 24%
Henry Bonilla 24%
Conrad Burns 24%
Ben Campbell 24%
Thad Cochran 24%
Merrill Cook 24%
Paul Coverdell 24%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo Republican 24%
Thomas Davis III 24%
OH Governor Mike DeWine Republican 24%
Jo Ann Emerson 24%
William Frist 24%
George Gekas 24%
Paul Gillmor 24%
Benjamin Gilman 24%
Slade Gorton 24%
Doc Hastings 24%
Duncan Hunter 24%
Daniel Inouye 24%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 24%
Connie Mack 24%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 24%
John McHugh 24%
Owen Pickett 24%
Silvestre Reyes 24%
Pat Roberts 24%
Todd Tiahrt 24%
James Turner 24%
David Weldon 24%
Bob Wise, Jr. 24%
Bill Young 24%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt Republican 21%
John Boehner 21%
Mary Bono Mack 21%
Chris Cannon 21%
Randall Cunningham 21%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 21%
Jay Dickey 21%
Jennifer Dunn 21%
Terry Everett 21%
Tillie Fowler 21%
Wayne Gilchrest 21%
Amory Houghton, Jr. 21%
Pete King 21%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran Republican 21%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 21%
James Nussle 21%
Mike Parker 21%
Richard Pombo 21%
Ralph Regula 21%
Jim Ryun 21%
Max Sandlin, Jr. 21%
E.G. Shuster 21%
Vincent Snowbarger 21%
James Talent 21%
James Walsh 21%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 20%
Wendell Ford 20%
Jesse Helms 20%
Trent Lott, Sr. 20%
Richard Shelby 20%
Heather Wilson 19%
Roy Blunt 18%
Kevin Brady 18%
Ed Bryant 18%
Jim Bunning 18%
Dan Burton 18%
Steve Buyer 18%
John Doolittle 18%
David Dreier 18%
Thomas Ewing 18%
James Hansen 18%
Tom Latham 18%
Ron Lewis 18%
John Linder 18%
Robert Livingston 18%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas Republican 18%
Joseph McDade 18%
William Paxon 18%
Charles Pickering, Jr. 18%
Joe Pitts 18%
Deborah Pryce 18%
KY U.S. House - 5 Hal Rogers Republican 18%
Daniel Schaefer 18%
John Shimkus 18%
Floyd Spence, Sr. 18%
Charles Taylor 18%
Wesley Watkins 18%
Julius Caesar Watts, Jr. 18%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 16%
State Office Name Party Rating
Robert William Ney 26%
Anne Northup 26%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 26%
John Peterson 26%
Frank Riggs 26%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 26%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 26%
Gerald Weller 26%
Richard Armey 24%
Bill Barrett 24%
Bob Bennett 24%
Henry Bonilla 24%
Conrad Burns 24%
Ben Campbell 24%
Thad Cochran 24%
Merrill Cook 24%
Paul Coverdell 24%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo R 24%
Thomas Davis III 24%
OH Governor Mike DeWine R 24%
Jo Ann Emerson 24%
William Frist 24%
George Gekas 24%
Paul Gillmor 24%
Benjamin Gilman 24%
Slade Gorton 24%
Doc Hastings 24%
Duncan Hunter 24%
Daniel Inouye 24%
Ernest Istook, Jr. 24%
Connie Mack 24%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 24%
John McHugh 24%
Owen Pickett 24%
Silvestre Reyes 24%
Pat Roberts 24%
Todd Tiahrt 24%
James Turner 24%
David Weldon 24%
Bob Wise, Jr. 24%
Bill Young 24%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt R 21%
John Boehner 21%
Mary Bono Mack 21%
Chris Cannon 21%
Randall Cunningham 21%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 21%
Jay Dickey 21%
Jennifer Dunn 21%
Terry Everett 21%
Tillie Fowler 21%
Wayne Gilchrest 21%
Amory Houghton, Jr. 21%
Pete King 21%
KS U.S. Senate - Sr Jerry Moran R 21%
Charles Norwood, Jr. 21%
James Nussle 21%
Mike Parker 21%
Richard Pombo 21%
Ralph Regula 21%
Jim Ryun 21%
Max Sandlin, Jr. 21%
E.G. Shuster 21%
Vincent Snowbarger 21%
James Talent 21%
James Walsh 21%
Pete Domenici, Jr. 20%
Wendell Ford 20%
Jesse Helms 20%
Trent Lott, Sr. 20%
Richard Shelby 20%
Heather Wilson 19%
Roy Blunt 18%
Kevin Brady 18%
Ed Bryant 18%
Jim Bunning 18%
Dan Burton 18%
Steve Buyer 18%
John Doolittle 18%
David Dreier 18%
Thomas Ewing 18%
James Hansen 18%
Tom Latham 18%
Ron Lewis 18%
John Linder 18%
Robert Livingston 18%
OK U.S. House - 3 Frank Lucas R 18%
Joseph McDade 18%
William Paxon 18%
Charles Pickering, Jr. 18%
Joe Pitts 18%
Deborah Pryce 18%
KY U.S. House - 5 Hal Rogers R 18%
Daniel Schaefer 18%
John Shimkus 18%
Floyd Spence, Sr. 18%
Charles Taylor 18%
Wesley Watkins 18%
Julius Caesar Watts, Jr. 18%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 16%