Rating Group: Taxpayers for Common Sense

2005 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
David Wu 88%
Corrine Brown 87%
Bill Delahunt 87%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 87%
Luis Gutiérrez 87%
Jane Harman 87%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 87%
CA U.S. House - 12 Barbara Lee Democratic 87%
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal Democratic 87%
John Olver 87%
IL U.S. House - 9 Jan Schakowsky Democratic 87%
Louise Slaughter 87%
Ron Paul 85%
NY U.S. House - 7 Nydia Velázquez Democratic 85%
Donald Payne 83%
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden Democratic 80%
Melissa Bean 77%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 77%
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. 77%
Mike Castle 77%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn Democratic 77%
Jim Cooper 77%
Joe Crowley 77%
John Dingell 77%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer Democratic 77%
Eddie Johnson 77%
Ron Kind 77%
Frank LoBiondo 77%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren Democratic 77%
Brad Miller 77%
Dennis Moore 77%
CA U.S. House - 31 Grace Napolitano Democratic 77%
David Price 77%
Nick Rahall II 77%
Tim Ryan 77%
Jim Saxton 77%
NY U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Schumer Democratic 77%
VA U.S. House - 3 Bobby Scott Democratic 77%
Christopher Shays 77%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith Democratic 77%
Ellen Tauscher 77%
Gene Taylor 77%
Tom Udall 77%
Robert Wexler 77%
Bob Brady 75%
Bart Stupak 75%
Judd Gregg 70%
RI U.S. Senate - Sr Jack Reed Democratic 70%
John Barrow 66%
Julia Carson 66%
Norm Dicks 66%
Bob Etheridge 66%
Tim Johnson 66%
Paul Kanjorski 66%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen Democratic 66%
Sandy Levin 66%
Dan Lipinski 66%
Jim Oberstar 66%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger Democratic 66%
Bobby Rush 66%
Vic Snyder 66%
John Spratt, Jr. 66%
John Tanner 66%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson Democratic 66%
Pete Visclosky 66%
Walter Jones, Jr. 62%
Mike McIntyre 62%
Barbara Boxer 60%
Tom Harkin 60%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 60%
Jon Kyl 60%
Frank Lautenberg 60%
Patrick Leahy 60%
Neil Abercrombie 55%
Joe Baca, Sr. 55%
Marion Berry 55%
Dennis Cardoza 55%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa Democratic 55%
Jerry Costello 55%
Artur Davis 55%
Lincoln Davis 55%
Jeff Flake 55%
Jim Gerlach 55%
Bart Gordon 55%
TX U.S. House - 9 Al Green Democratic 55%
Gene Green 55%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic 55%
Jim Marshall 55%
NY U.S. House - 5 Gregory Meeks Democratic 55%
John Salazar 55%
Ike Skelton 55%
Evan Bayh 50%
Hillary Clinton 50%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 50%
James DeMint 50%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin Democratic 50%
Barbara Mikulski 50%
Bill Nelson, Sr. 50%
James Ramstad 50%
Ed Royce 50%
State Office Name Party Rating
David Wu 88%
Corrine Brown 87%
Bill Delahunt 87%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 87%
Luis Gutiérrez 87%
Jane Harman 87%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 87%
CA U.S. House - 12 Barbara Lee D 87%
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal D 87%
John Olver 87%
IL U.S. House - 9 Jan Schakowsky D 87%
Louise Slaughter 87%
Ron Paul 85%
NY U.S. House - 7 Nydia Velázquez D 85%
Donald Payne 83%
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden D 80%
Melissa Bean 77%
Allen Boyd, Jr. 77%
G. K. Butterfield, Jr. 77%
Mike Castle 77%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn D 77%
Jim Cooper 77%
Joe Crowley 77%
John Dingell 77%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer D 77%
Eddie Johnson 77%
Ron Kind 77%
Frank LoBiondo 77%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren D 77%
Brad Miller 77%
Dennis Moore 77%
CA U.S. House - 31 Grace Napolitano D 77%
David Price 77%
Nick Rahall II 77%
Tim Ryan 77%
Jim Saxton 77%
NY U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Schumer D 77%
VA U.S. House - 3 Bobby Scott D 77%
Christopher Shays 77%
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith D 77%
Ellen Tauscher 77%
Gene Taylor 77%
Tom Udall 77%
Robert Wexler 77%
Bob Brady 75%
Bart Stupak 75%
Judd Gregg 70%
RI U.S. Senate - Sr Jack Reed D 70%
John Barrow 66%
Julia Carson 66%
Norm Dicks 66%
Bob Etheridge 66%
Tim Johnson 66%
Paul Kanjorski 66%
WA U.S. House - 2 Rick Larsen D 66%
Sandy Levin 66%
Dan Lipinski 66%
Jim Oberstar 66%
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger D 66%
Bobby Rush 66%
Vic Snyder 66%
John Spratt, Jr. 66%
John Tanner 66%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson D 66%
Pete Visclosky 66%
Walter Jones, Jr. 62%
Mike McIntyre 62%
Barbara Boxer 60%
Tom Harkin 60%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 60%
Jon Kyl 60%
Frank Lautenberg 60%
Patrick Leahy 60%
Neil Abercrombie 55%
Joe Baca, Sr. 55%
Marion Berry 55%
Dennis Cardoza 55%
CA U.S. House - 21 Jim Costa D 55%
Jerry Costello 55%
Artur Davis 55%
Lincoln Davis 55%
Jeff Flake 55%
Jim Gerlach 55%
Bart Gordon 55%
TX U.S. House - 9 Al Green D 55%
Gene Green 55%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee D 55%
Jim Marshall 55%
NY U.S. House - 5 Gregory Meeks D 55%
John Salazar 55%
Ike Skelton 55%
Evan Bayh 50%
Hillary Clinton 50%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 50%
James DeMint 50%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin D 50%
Barbara Mikulski 50%
Bill Nelson, Sr. 50%
James Ramstad 50%
Ed Royce 50%