Rating Group: Taxpayers for Common Sense

2005 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. Democratic 44%
Kent Conrad 44%
Chris Dodd 44%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 44%
Vern Ehlers 44%
Charlie Gonzalez 44%
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 44%
Tim Holden 44%
William Jefferson 44%
Mark Kirk 44%
Jim Matheson 44%
Collin Peterson 44%
Earl Pomeroy 44%
Silvestre Reyes 44%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 44%
Albert Wynn 44%
Ed Towns 42%
Wayne Allard 40%
NA President Joe Biden, Jr. Democratic 40%
Robert Byrd 40%
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper Democratic 40%
Thomas Coburn 40%
Dianne Feinstein 40%
Timothy Johnson 40%
John Kerry 40%
Herb Kohl 40%
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray Democratic 40%
Barack Obama II 40%
Harry Reid 40%
MI U.S. Senate - Sr Debbie Stabenow Democratic 40%
Todd Platts 37%
Bill Young 37%
Dan Boren 33%
Leonard Boswell 33%
Rick Boucher 33%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar Democratic 33%
Byron Dorgan 33%
Michael Ferguson 33%
Wayne Gilchrest 33%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 33%
Ray LaHood 33%
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 33%
Alan Mollohan 33%
Jack Murtha 33%
Tom Petri 33%
Dana Rohrabacher 33%
GA U.S. House - 13 David Scott Democratic 33%
Heather Wilson 33%
WA U.S. Senate - Jr Maria Cantwell Democratic 30%
Daniel Inouye 30%
Carl Levin 30%
Melquiades Martinez 30%
Jay Rockefeller IV 30%
Ken Salazar 30%
Olympia Snowe 30%
Joe Lieberman 25%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 25%
Mike Ross 25%
Roscoe Bartlett 22%
Jeff Bingaman 22%
John Boehner 22%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 22%
Ginny Brown-Waite 22%
Steve Chabot 22%
Robert Cramer 22%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 22%
FL U.S. House - 26 Mario Diaz-Balart Republican 22%
Chet Edwards 22%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 22%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 22%
Steve LaTourette 22%
Mary Landrieu 22%
Connie Mack IV 22%
John McHugh 22%
Jeff Miller 22%
Richard Renzi 22%
Jeff Sessions III 22%
John Shadegg 22%
Fred Upton 22%
James Walsh 22%
Frank Wolf 22%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 20%
Sam Brownback 20%
Richard Burr 20%
Mike Enzi 20%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham Republican 20%
Jim Inhofe 20%
Blanche Lincoln 20%
Mark Pryor 20%
Gordon Smith 20%
Arlen Specter 20%
John Culberson 12%
Nathan Deal 12%
Trent Franks 12%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers Republican 12%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt Republican 11%
Todd Akin 11%
Spencer Bachus 11%
Richard Hugh Baker 11%
J. Gresham Barrett 11%
State Office Name Party Rating
GA U.S. House - 2 Sanford Bishop, Jr. D 44%
Kent Conrad 44%
Chris Dodd 44%
Mike Doyle, Jr. 44%
Vern Ehlers 44%
Charlie Gonzalez 44%
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 44%
Tim Holden 44%
William Jefferson 44%
Mark Kirk 44%
Jim Matheson 44%
Collin Peterson 44%
Earl Pomeroy 44%
Silvestre Reyes 44%
Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. 44%
Albert Wynn 44%
Ed Towns 42%
Wayne Allard 40%
NA President Joe Biden, Jr. D 40%
Robert Byrd 40%
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper D 40%
Thomas Coburn 40%
Dianne Feinstein 40%
Timothy Johnson 40%
John Kerry 40%
Herb Kohl 40%
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray D 40%
Barack Obama II 40%
Harry Reid 40%
MI U.S. Senate - Sr Debbie Stabenow D 40%
Todd Platts 37%
Bill Young 37%
Dan Boren 33%
Leonard Boswell 33%
Rick Boucher 33%
TX U.S. House - 28 Henry Cuellar D 33%
Byron Dorgan 33%
Michael Ferguson 33%
Wayne Gilchrest 33%
Rubén Hinojosa, Sr. 33%
Ray LaHood 33%
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 33%
Alan Mollohan 33%
Jack Murtha 33%
Tom Petri 33%
Dana Rohrabacher 33%
GA U.S. House - 13 David Scott D 33%
Heather Wilson 33%
WA U.S. Senate - Jr Maria Cantwell D 30%
Daniel Inouye 30%
Carl Levin 30%
Melquiades Martinez 30%
Jay Rockefeller IV 30%
Ken Salazar 30%
Olympia Snowe 30%
Joe Lieberman 25%
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 25%
Mike Ross 25%
Roscoe Bartlett 22%
Jeff Bingaman 22%
John Boehner 22%
Jo Bonner, Jr. 22%
Ginny Brown-Waite 22%
Steve Chabot 22%
Robert Cramer 22%
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 22%
FL U.S. House - 26 Mario Diaz-Balart R 22%
Chet Edwards 22%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 22%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 22%
Steve LaTourette 22%
Mary Landrieu 22%
Connie Mack IV 22%
John McHugh 22%
Jeff Miller 22%
Richard Renzi 22%
Jeff Sessions III 22%
John Shadegg 22%
Fred Upton 22%
James Walsh 22%
Frank Wolf 22%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 20%
Sam Brownback 20%
Richard Burr 20%
Mike Enzi 20%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham R 20%
Jim Inhofe 20%
Blanche Lincoln 20%
Mark Pryor 20%
Gordon Smith 20%
Arlen Specter 20%
John Culberson 12%
Nathan Deal 12%
Trent Franks 12%
AL U.S. House - 3 Mike Rogers R 12%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt R 11%
Todd Akin 11%
Spencer Bachus 11%
Richard Hugh Baker 11%
J. Gresham Barrett 11%