Rating Group: Business-Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC)

1997 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Dick Lugar 95%
Frank Murkowski 95%
Don Nickles 95%
Mike Parker 95%
George Radanovich 95%
Jeff Sessions III 95%
E.G. Shuster 95%
Gerald B.H. Solomon 95%
Craig Thomas 95%
Roscoe Bartlett 93%
Sonny Bono 93%
Jim Bunning 93%
Herbert Callahan 93%
Dave Camp 93%
Steve Chabot 93%
Saxby Chambliss 93%
Michael Collins 93%
Merrill Cook 93%
Jay Dickey 93%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 93%
Jo Ann Emerson 93%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham Republican 93%
Van Hilleary 93%
John Hostettler 93%
Duncan Hunter 93%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 93%
Jay Kim 93%
James McCrery III 93%
Michael Oxley 93%
Bob Riley 93%
James Rogan 93%
KY U.S. House - 5 Hal Rogers Republican 93%
Mark Souder 93%
John Sununu 93%
William Tauzin II 93%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune Republican 93%
Todd Tiahrt 93%
Rick White 93%
Ed Whitfield 93%
Donald Young 92%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt Republican 91%
Spencer Bachus 91%
Joe Barton 91%
Charlie Bass 91%
Michael Bilirakis 91%
Conrad Burns 91%
Richard Burr 91%
FL Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Canady 91%
Helen Chenoweth-Hage 91%
Jon Lynn Christensen 91%
Thad Cochran 91%
Christopher Cox 91%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo Republican 91%
John Doolittle 91%
John Duncan, Jr. 91%
Tillie Fowler 91%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 91%
Jim Inhofe 91%
Joseph Knollenberg 91%
Stephen Largent 91%
Connie Mack 91%
Bill McCollum 91%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 91%
Mark Neumann 91%
Edward Pease 91%
Richard Pombo 91%
Rob Portman 91%
Rick Santorum 91%
Robert Schaffer 91%
Cliff Stearns 91%
James Talent 91%
Julius Caesar Watts, Jr. 91%
Dan Coats 90%
William Frist 90%
David McIntosh 90%
John Warner 90%
Brian Bilbray 89%
Roy Blunt 89%
Dan Burton 89%
Thomas Coburn 89%
George Gekas 89%
Porter Goss 89%
Joel Hefley 89%
Kenny Hulshof 89%
Walter Jones, Jr. 89%
Jack Kingston 89%
Dana Rohrabacher 89%
Joe Scarborough 89%
Nick Smith 89%
Zach Wamp 89%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 88%
Paul Gillmor 87%
William Goodling 87%
Rick Hill 87%
David Lee Hobson 87%
Dan Miller 87%
Ed Royce 87%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 87%
Fred Upton 87%
Ben Campbell 86%
State Office Name Party Rating
Dick Lugar 95%
Frank Murkowski 95%
Don Nickles 95%
Mike Parker 95%
George Radanovich 95%
Jeff Sessions III 95%
E.G. Shuster 95%
Gerald B.H. Solomon 95%
Craig Thomas 95%
Roscoe Bartlett 93%
Sonny Bono 93%
Jim Bunning 93%
Herbert Callahan 93%
Dave Camp 93%
Steve Chabot 93%
Saxby Chambliss 93%
Michael Collins 93%
Merrill Cook 93%
Jay Dickey 93%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 93%
Jo Ann Emerson 93%
SC U.S. Senate - Sr Lindsey Graham R 93%
Van Hilleary 93%
John Hostettler 93%
Duncan Hunter 93%
Bob Inglis, Sr. 93%
Jay Kim 93%
James McCrery III 93%
Michael Oxley 93%
Bob Riley 93%
James Rogan 93%
KY U.S. House - 5 Hal Rogers R 93%
Mark Souder 93%
John Sununu 93%
William Tauzin II 93%
SD U.S. Senate - Sr John Thune R 93%
Todd Tiahrt 93%
Rick White 93%
Ed Whitfield 93%
Donald Young 92%
AL U.S. House - 4 Robert Aderholt R 91%
Spencer Bachus 91%
Joe Barton 91%
Charlie Bass 91%
Michael Bilirakis 91%
Conrad Burns 91%
Richard Burr 91%
FL Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Canady 91%
Helen Chenoweth-Hage 91%
Jon Lynn Christensen 91%
Thad Cochran 91%
Christopher Cox 91%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo R 91%
John Doolittle 91%
John Duncan, Jr. 91%
Tillie Fowler 91%
Y. Tim Hutchinson 91%
Jim Inhofe 91%
Joseph Knollenberg 91%
Stephen Largent 91%
Connie Mack 91%
Bill McCollum 91%
George Nethercutt, Jr. 91%
Mark Neumann 91%
Edward Pease 91%
Richard Pombo 91%
Rob Portman 91%
Rick Santorum 91%
Robert Schaffer 91%
Cliff Stearns 91%
James Talent 91%
Julius Caesar Watts, Jr. 91%
Dan Coats 90%
William Frist 90%
David McIntosh 90%
John Warner 90%
Brian Bilbray 89%
Roy Blunt 89%
Dan Burton 89%
Thomas Coburn 89%
George Gekas 89%
Porter Goss 89%
Joel Hefley 89%
Kenny Hulshof 89%
Walter Jones, Jr. 89%
Jack Kingston 89%
Dana Rohrabacher 89%
Joe Scarborough 89%
Nick Smith 89%
Zach Wamp 89%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 88%
Paul Gillmor 87%
William Goodling 87%
Rick Hill 87%
David Lee Hobson 87%
Dan Miller 87%
Ed Royce 87%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 87%
Fred Upton 87%
Ben Campbell 86%