Rating Group: Drum Major Institute

2007 Positions on Middle Class Advocacy

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray Democratic 90
Jack Murtha 90
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal Democratic 90
Bill Nelson, Sr. 90
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. Democratic 90
Ed Perlmutter 90
Earl Pomeroy 90
David Price 90
Charlie Rangel 90
Harry Reid 90
Silvestre Reyes 90
Mike Ross 90
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger Democratic 90
Ken Salazar 90
CA U.S. House - 30 Adam Schiff Democratic 90
Allyson Schwartz 90
Joe Sestak, Jr. 90
Albio Sires 90
Ike Skelton 90
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith Democratic 90
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 90
Vic Snyder 90
Ellen Tauscher 90
CA U.S. House - 4 Mike Thompson Democratic 90
Ed Towns 90
Mark Udall 90
MD U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Van Hollen, Jr. Democratic 90
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic 90
Mel Watt 90
Henry Waxman 90
Jim Webb, Jr. 90
Anthony Weiner 90
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden Democratic 90
Brian Baird 89
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper Democratic 89
Lincoln Davis 89
Norm Dicks 89
Brad Ellsworth 89
Gene Green 89
WA Governor Jay Inslee Democratic 89
Steve Israel 89
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 89
John Kerry 89
Sandy Levin 89
Blanche Lincoln 89
Carolyn McCarthy 89
MN U.S. House - 4 Betty McCollum Democratic 89
Jim McDermott 89
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 89
John Salazar 89
NY U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Schumer Democratic 89
John Tanner 89
Stephanie Tubbs Jones 89
Darlene Hooley 88
Eddie Johnson 88
Carolyn Maloney 88
CA U.S. House - 11 Nancy Pelosi Democratic 86
Timothy Johnson 83
Evan Bayh 80
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor Democratic 80
Kent Conrad 80
Byron Dorgan 80
Bob Etheridge 80
Steve LaTourette 80
Tim Mahoney 80
Jim Marshall 80
Jim Matheson 80
Claire McCaskill 80
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 80
Harry Mitchell 80
Ben Nelson 80
Jay Rockefeller IV 80
MT U.S. Senate - Sr Jon Tester Democratic 80
Melissa Bean 78
Allen Boyd, Jr. 78
Jim Cooper 78
Baron Hill 78
John McHugh 78
Ray LaHood 75
John Barrow 70
Max Baucus 70
Robert Byrd 70
Mike Castle 70
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 70
Nicholas Lampson 70
Tim Murphy 70
Mark Pryor 70
James Ramstad 70
Olympia Snowe 70
Gene Taylor 70
Christopher Shays 67
Norm Coleman 60
Jo Ann Emerson 60
Michael Ferguson 60
Jim Gerlach 60
Robert Hayes 60
Pete King 60
Mary Landrieu 60
Todd Platts 60
Ralph Regula 60
State Office Name Party Rating
WA U.S. Senate - Sr Patty Murray D 90
Jack Murtha 90
MA U.S. House - 1 Richard Neal D 90
Bill Nelson, Sr. 90
NJ U.S. House - 9 Bill Pascrell, Jr. D 90
Ed Perlmutter 90
Earl Pomeroy 90
David Price 90
Charlie Rangel 90
Harry Reid 90
Silvestre Reyes 90
Mike Ross 90
MD U.S. House - 2 Dutch Ruppersberger D 90
Ken Salazar 90
CA U.S. House - 30 Adam Schiff D 90
Allyson Schwartz 90
Joe Sestak, Jr. 90
Albio Sires 90
Ike Skelton 90
WA U.S. House - 9 Adam Smith D 90
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 90
Vic Snyder 90
Ellen Tauscher 90
CA U.S. House - 4 Mike Thompson D 90
Ed Towns 90
Mark Udall 90
MD U.S. Senate - Jr Chris Van Hollen, Jr. D 90
FL U.S. House - 25 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D 90
Mel Watt 90
Henry Waxman 90
Jim Webb, Jr. 90
Anthony Weiner 90
OR U.S. Senate - Sr Ron Wyden D 90
Brian Baird 89
DE U.S. Senate - Sr Tom Carper D 89
Lincoln Davis 89
Norm Dicks 89
Brad Ellsworth 89
Gene Green 89
WA Governor Jay Inslee D 89
Steve Israel 89
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 89
John Kerry 89
Sandy Levin 89
Blanche Lincoln 89
Carolyn McCarthy 89
MN U.S. House - 4 Betty McCollum D 89
Jim McDermott 89
Solomon Ortiz, Sr. 89
John Salazar 89
NY U.S. Senate - Sr Chuck Schumer D 89
John Tanner 89
Stephanie Tubbs Jones 89
Darlene Hooley 88
Eddie Johnson 88
Carolyn Maloney 88
CA U.S. House - 11 Nancy Pelosi D 86
Timothy Johnson 83
Evan Bayh 80
FL U.S. House - 14 Kathy Castor D 80
Kent Conrad 80
Byron Dorgan 80
Bob Etheridge 80
Steve LaTourette 80
Tim Mahoney 80
Jim Marshall 80
Jim Matheson 80
Claire McCaskill 80
Charlie Melancon, Sr. 80
Harry Mitchell 80
Ben Nelson 80
Jay Rockefeller IV 80
MT U.S. Senate - Sr Jon Tester D 80
Melissa Bean 78
Allen Boyd, Jr. 78
Jim Cooper 78
Baron Hill 78
John McHugh 78
Ray LaHood 75
John Barrow 70
Max Baucus 70
Robert Byrd 70
Mike Castle 70
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 70
Nicholas Lampson 70
Tim Murphy 70
Mark Pryor 70
James Ramstad 70
Olympia Snowe 70
Gene Taylor 70
Christopher Shays 67
Norm Coleman 60
Jo Ann Emerson 60
Michael Ferguson 60
Jim Gerlach 60
Robert Hayes 60
Pete King 60
Mary Landrieu 60
Todd Platts 60
Ralph Regula 60