Rating Group: Concord Coalition

1998 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Barbara Cubin 31%
Thomas Davis III 31%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 31%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 31%
Darlene Hooley 31%
Duncan Hunter 31%
Frank Lautenberg 31%
Barbara Mikulski 31%
James Nussle 31%
George Radanovich 31%
Louise Slaughter 31%
Robert Torricelli 31%
David Weldon 31%
Albert Wynn 31%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 30%
Conrad Burns 30%
Larry Craig 30%
William Frist 30%
Orrin Hatch 30%
Kay Hutchison 30%
Henry Hyde 30%
Trent Lott, Sr. 30%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. Republican 30%
Alan Mollohan 30%
Strom Thurmond 30%
Bill Delahunt 29%
John Ganske 29%
Maurice Hinchey 29%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic 29%
Dale Kildee 29%
Nicholas Lampson 29%
MA U.S. House - 2 Jim McGovern Democratic 29%
Ed Pastor 29%
CA U.S. House - 11 Nancy Pelosi Democratic 29%
Ciro Rodriguez 29%
MI U.S. Senate - Sr Debbie Stabenow Democratic 29%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson Democratic 29%
Lynn Woolsey 29%
Henry Bonilla 28%
John Olver 28%
W. Curtis Weldon 28%
Sam Johnson 27%
Sherwood Boehlert 26%
Helen Chenoweth-Hage 26%
Larry Combest 26%
David Dreier 26%
Jo Ann Emerson 26%
Terry Everett 26%
Robert Franks 26%
Gene Green 26%
Asa Hutchinson 26%
Steve LaTourette 26%
James Ramstad 26%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 26%
Ed Whitfield 26%
Bill Archer 25%
Barbara Boxer 25%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin Democratic 25%
Pete King 25%
Paul Sarbanes 25%
Gilbert Gutknecht 24%
Tillie Fowler 23%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 23%
James Leach 23%
Bill McCollum 23%
John Moakley 23%
Robert William Ney 23%
Pat Roberts 23%
Marge Roukema 23%
Jim Saxton 23%
CA U.S. House - 32 Brad Sherman Democratic 23%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith Republican 23%
James Turner 23%
Richard Armey 22%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 22%
Charlie Bass 21%
Bob Bennett 21%
Douglas Bereuter 21%
Paul Coverdell 21%
Thomas DeLay 21%
Jay Dickey 21%
Thomas Ewing 21%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 21%
James Greenwood 21%
J. Dennis Hastert 21%
Stephen Horn 21%
Amory Houghton, Jr. 21%
John Linder 21%
Frank LoBiondo 21%
Carolyn McCarthy 21%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 21%
Richard Shelby 21%
E.G. Shuster 21%
Ellen Tauscher 21%
James Walsh 21%
Jack Quinn 20%
James Hansen 19%
Richard Hugh Baker 18%
FL Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Canady 18%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo Republican 18%
State Office Name Party Rating
Barbara Cubin 31%
Thomas Davis III 31%
Bob Ehrlich, Jr. 31%
Rodney Frelinghuysen 31%
Darlene Hooley 31%
Duncan Hunter 31%
Frank Lautenberg 31%
Barbara Mikulski 31%
James Nussle 31%
George Radanovich 31%
Louise Slaughter 31%
Robert Torricelli 31%
David Weldon 31%
Albert Wynn 31%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 30%
Conrad Burns 30%
Larry Craig 30%
William Frist 30%
Orrin Hatch 30%
Kay Hutchison 30%
Henry Hyde 30%
Trent Lott, Sr. 30%
KY U.S. Senate - Sr Mitch McConnell, Jr. R 30%
Alan Mollohan 30%
Strom Thurmond 30%
Bill Delahunt 29%
John Ganske 29%
Maurice Hinchey 29%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee D 29%
Dale Kildee 29%
Nicholas Lampson 29%
MA U.S. House - 2 Jim McGovern D 29%
Ed Pastor 29%
CA U.S. House - 11 Nancy Pelosi D 29%
Ciro Rodriguez 29%
MI U.S. Senate - Sr Debbie Stabenow D 29%
MS U.S. House - 2 Bennie Thompson D 29%
Lynn Woolsey 29%
Henry Bonilla 28%
John Olver 28%
W. Curtis Weldon 28%
Sam Johnson 27%
Sherwood Boehlert 26%
Helen Chenoweth-Hage 26%
Larry Combest 26%
David Dreier 26%
Jo Ann Emerson 26%
Terry Everett 26%
Robert Franks 26%
Gene Green 26%
Asa Hutchinson 26%
Steve LaTourette 26%
James Ramstad 26%
E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 26%
Ed Whitfield 26%
Bill Archer 25%
Barbara Boxer 25%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin D 25%
Pete King 25%
Paul Sarbanes 25%
Gilbert Gutknecht 24%
Tillie Fowler 23%
Virgil Goode, Jr. 23%
James Leach 23%
Bill McCollum 23%
John Moakley 23%
Robert William Ney 23%
Pat Roberts 23%
Marge Roukema 23%
Jim Saxton 23%
CA U.S. House - 32 Brad Sherman D 23%
NJ U.S. House - 4 Chris Smith R 23%
James Turner 23%
Richard Armey 22%
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 22%
Charlie Bass 21%
Bob Bennett 21%
Douglas Bereuter 21%
Paul Coverdell 21%
Thomas DeLay 21%
Jay Dickey 21%
Thomas Ewing 21%
Vito Fossella, Jr. 21%
James Greenwood 21%
J. Dennis Hastert 21%
Stephen Horn 21%
Amory Houghton, Jr. 21%
John Linder 21%
Frank LoBiondo 21%
Carolyn McCarthy 21%
CO Commissioner - 2 Scott McInnis 21%
Richard Shelby 21%
E.G. Shuster 21%
Ellen Tauscher 21%
James Walsh 21%
Jack Quinn 20%
James Hansen 19%
Richard Hugh Baker 18%
FL Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Canady 18%
ID U.S. Senate - Sr Mike Crapo R 18%