Rating Group: Commonwealth Foundation

2005 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Jeffrey Earl Habay 72%
Gary Haluska 42%
Michael Hanna, Sr. 42%
Ted Harhai 42%
Julie Harhart 42%
Kate Harper 30%
C. Adam Harris 30%
George Hasay 30%
Timothy Hennessey 31%
Lynn Herman 48%
Arthur Hershey 31%
Dick Hess 31%
David Hickernell 42%
Harold James 30%
Babette Josephs 30%
Robert Jubelirer 31%
Richard Kasunic 28%
Mark Keller 77%
William Keller 37%
George Kenney, Jr. 30%
Thomas Killion 30%
Shirley Kitchen 28%
Nick Kotik 41%
Frank LaGrotta 29%
Gerald LaValle 17%
Daylin Leach 36%
Marie Lederer 25%
Dennis Leh 42%
Charles Lemmond, Jr. 31%
Victor John Lescovitz 30%
David Levdansky 30%
Sean Logan 28%
Beverly Mackereth 66%
Roger Madigan 30%
John Maher 73%
Stephen Maitland 32%
Sandra Major 31%
Kathy Manderino 19%
Jennifer Mann 42%
Joseph Markosek 30%
Ronald Marsico 54%
Keith McCall 30%
Michael McGeehan 30%
Eugene McGill 30%
Fred McIlhattan 54%
Charles McIlhinney, Jr. 54%
Mark Steven McNaughton 54%
Anthony Melio 42%
Robert Mellow 17%
Daryl Metcalfe 93%
Nicholas Micozzie 30%
David Millard 42%
Ron Miller 66%
Sheila Miller 42%
Phyllis Mundy 30%
Mark Mustio 30%
Raphael Musto 17%
John Myers 42%
Jerry Nailor 54%
Steven Nickol 68%
Dennis O'Brien 30%
Bernie O'Neill 42%
Michael O'Pake 17%
Frank Oliver, Sr. 19%
Jane Clare Orie 54%
John Pallone 42%
John Payne 54%
John Perzel 30%
Joseph Petrarca, Jr. 42%
Scott Petri 54%
Thomas Petrone 30%
Merle Phillips 30%
Jeffrey Piccola 54%
Dominic Pileggi 30%
John Pippy 42%
Frank Pistella 30%
Joseph Preston, Jr. 30%
Terry Punt 23%
Jeffrey Pyle 66%
Thomas Quigley 54%
John Rafferty, Jr. 42%
Sean Ramaley 42%
Ronald Raymond 29%
Harry Readshaw III 42%
Dave Reed 54%
Bob Regola 42%
Douglas Reichley 66%
James Rhoades 28%
William Rieger 39%
Robert Robbins 31%
Lawrence Roberts 30%
James Roebuck, Jr. 31%
Samuel Rohrer 78%
T.J. Rooney 24%
Chris Ross 42%
Carole Rubley 42%
Kenneth Ruffing 19%
Chris Sainato 42%
Dante Santoni, Jr. 30%
Larry Sather 31%
State Office Name Party Rating
Jeffrey Earl Habay 72%
Gary Haluska 42%
Michael Hanna, Sr. 42%
Ted Harhai 42%
Julie Harhart 42%
Kate Harper 30%
C. Adam Harris 30%
George Hasay 30%
Timothy Hennessey 31%
Lynn Herman 48%
Arthur Hershey 31%
Dick Hess 31%
David Hickernell 42%
Harold James 30%
Babette Josephs 30%
Robert Jubelirer 31%
Richard Kasunic 28%
Mark Keller 77%
William Keller 37%
George Kenney, Jr. 30%
Thomas Killion 30%
Shirley Kitchen 28%
Nick Kotik 41%
Frank LaGrotta 29%
Gerald LaValle 17%
Daylin Leach 36%
Marie Lederer 25%
Dennis Leh 42%
Charles Lemmond, Jr. 31%
Victor John Lescovitz 30%
David Levdansky 30%
Sean Logan 28%
Beverly Mackereth 66%
Roger Madigan 30%
John Maher 73%
Stephen Maitland 32%
Sandra Major 31%
Kathy Manderino 19%
Jennifer Mann 42%
Joseph Markosek 30%
Ronald Marsico 54%
Keith McCall 30%
Michael McGeehan 30%
Eugene McGill 30%
Fred McIlhattan 54%
Charles McIlhinney, Jr. 54%
Mark Steven McNaughton 54%
Anthony Melio 42%
Robert Mellow 17%
Daryl Metcalfe 93%
Nicholas Micozzie 30%
David Millard 42%
Ron Miller 66%
Sheila Miller 42%
Phyllis Mundy 30%
Mark Mustio 30%
Raphael Musto 17%
John Myers 42%
Jerry Nailor 54%
Steven Nickol 68%
Dennis O'Brien 30%
Bernie O'Neill 42%
Michael O'Pake 17%
Frank Oliver, Sr. 19%
Jane Clare Orie 54%
John Pallone 42%
John Payne 54%
John Perzel 30%
Joseph Petrarca, Jr. 42%
Scott Petri 54%
Thomas Petrone 30%
Merle Phillips 30%
Jeffrey Piccola 54%
Dominic Pileggi 30%
John Pippy 42%
Frank Pistella 30%
Joseph Preston, Jr. 30%
Terry Punt 23%
Jeffrey Pyle 66%
Thomas Quigley 54%
John Rafferty, Jr. 42%
Sean Ramaley 42%
Ronald Raymond 29%
Harry Readshaw III 42%
Dave Reed 54%
Bob Regola 42%
Douglas Reichley 66%
James Rhoades 28%
William Rieger 39%
Robert Robbins 31%
Lawrence Roberts 30%
James Roebuck, Jr. 31%
Samuel Rohrer 78%
T.J. Rooney 24%
Chris Ross 42%
Carole Rubley 42%
Kenneth Ruffing 19%
Chris Sainato 42%
Dante Santoni, Jr. 30%
Larry Sather 31%