Bradley Votes for Defense Authorization Act

Date: May 25, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Legislation will strengthen force protection, improve pay and benefits for soldiers

Tonight, First District Congressman Jeb Bradley voted for the fiscal year 2006 National Defense Authorization Act, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 390 to 39. The legislation sets policies, programs and funding levels for our nation's military.

"This bill is critically important as we fight the war on terror on multiple fronts around the world. The legislation provides our troops with necessary resources, including a 3.1 percent pay increase and higher hardship pay," stated Bradley. "Congress will continue to provide the nation's troops with the best equipment, weapons systems and training required to win the global war on terrorism."

Highlights of the FY2006 National Defense Authorization Act include:

Critical Force Protection Measures
• $49.1 billion in supplemental funding for operation costs, personnel expenses, and procurement of new equipment for the war on terror.
• Funding authorization for force protection in Iraq and Afghanistan, which includes up-armored Humvees, night vision equipment, tactical wheeled modernization programs, and improvised explosive device (IED) jammers.
• Requires the Department of Defense to evaluate and monitor changes in baseline cost estimates and sets strict standards regarding accounting and cost management of major procurement programs.
• Establishes a contingency contracting corps to meet the needs on the battlefield by facilitating the rapid acquisition of critically needed goods and services.

Military Personnel Enhancements
• Recommends additional increases of 10,000 Army and 1,000 Marine active duty personnel.
• Increases the death gratuity to $100,000 for families of servicemembers.
• Extends the amount of time that dependents of deceased servicemembers can stay in military housing or receive housing allowances from six months to one year.
• Expands travel authorization for families of hospitalized servicemembers.
• Provides a 3.1% pay raise for members of the armed services.
• Increases the cap on enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses.
• Increases the maximum amount of hardship pay from $300 to $750 per month.

"The men and women of our Armed Forces, along with their families, continue to sacrifice every day to ensure America's success in the war on terror. They rightly deserve the additional benefits included in this bill," Bradley concluded.

Once the Senate passes their version of the bill, House and Senate leaders will meet to reconcile differences between their respective bills.
