Condemning the Actions of Planned Parenthood

Floor Speech

Date: July 21, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction


Mrs. NOEM. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, today I rise to speak on an issue that has weighed very heavy on my heart; in fact, it has kept me awake at night for many nights.

Two videos have recently come out showing senior Planned Parenthood executives and doctors callously discussing abortion procedures and the costs of that fetal tissue from aborted babies.

It has turned my stomach to hear these people at Planned Parenthood. They claim to act in the best interest of women, but instead they talk about compensation for tiny organs from aborted babies.

I find myself asking: How did we get here? How did this great country that was founded on Biblical principles get to a place where we have federally funded organizations like Planned Parenthood who claim to care for women and provide health care for them instead deceive people and use those dollars to end lives--end lives of our future women that could potentially lead this country--and then turn around and sell their body parts to put even more dollars in their pocket?

It reminds me of the Edmund Burke quote that says: ``The only thing that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.''

And today, we have seen many good men and women come to this House floor and say that we will not ``do nothing.'' We have pushed on this issue before, but we are going to push even harder. We are going to talk even more. We are going to talk to people and have uncomfortable conversations about what is going on at Planned Parenthood.

We are going to fight until we end the Federal dollars that flow into their bank accounts. We are going to fight until we make sure that our babies and our children are protected, whether they are born or unborn, and that every life is sacred; that we honor those Biblical principles that this country was founded on.

Not only is what Planned Parenthood has been doing disgusting, but it raises questions about potential illegal behavior. Profiting from fetal tissue donation is illegal under Federal law, and so is altering procedures based on fetal tissue donation.

So I have joined many of my colleagues here in the House, and we have asked our leadership team for an immediate investigation into Planned Parenthood and all of their practices. They need to be punished for what they have been doing.

All lives matter, including the unborn. We need to do all we can to protect the most vulnerable among us.

The world can be a very dangerous place, and it is dangerous because of the evil that is going on, but I believe it is much more dangerous when you have people who look on and do absolutely nothing to protect those among us.

The duplicity of this organization needs to stop; and as long as Federal dollars flow to this organization, we all need to feel responsible and do all that we can to end it.

