Newsletter: Harry Reid's Not So Secret Government Shutdown Plan


Date: Aug. 7, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

The past few weeks you may have been hearing about the possibility of a federal government shutdown in October. As we head toward the fiscal year deadline things are bound to get a bit bumpy in Washington. I think a blame game will begin over how much spending is right when the focus should really be on the interests of the hardworking taxpayers of this country. The Iowans I speak to tell it like it is - they just want a government that does its job and respects them and their freedoms.

As the shutdown noise starts to increase, I want you to know two things - where I stand on a shutdown and where this talk began.

Let me be clear, I have no interest in a federal government shutdown. My mission since arriving in Washington has been to push for a healthy economy and promote a more efficient and effective government. I will do as I have always done - work with any Member of Congress, regardless of party, to move our country forward on a common sense and fiscally sound path.

And, while you may have only started seeing press reports of a possible federal government shutdown, it may surprise you that senior Democrats in Washington have been talking about and planning for this very scenario for many months. Press reports detailed that these planning sessions started in the spring - almost half a year before the fiscal deadline of September 30th. Those reports noted that some Democrats were holding closed-door meetings to develop a strategic plan to use the potential of a shutdown as a means to get more spending. The plan, endorsed by the White House, had the Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid promising a filibuster for every single spending bill brought to the floor. The President echoed his support, vowing a veto on any spending bill that arrived on his desk.

It is clear that Harry Reid has always had a plan to stack the deck, manipulate behind the scenes, and yes, use a federal government shutdown as a way to bust current budget and spending laws and to squeeze more government spending out of the pockets and bank accounts of America's hardworking taxpayers.

These silly games have to stop, because in the real world it doesn't matter who you are working with, or what the challenges are, the job just needs to get done.

The fundamental problem here must also be recognized: Washington spends too much. With more and more Iowans living paycheck to paycheck - learning to do more with less, why can't Washington do the same? Our leaders have a moral obligation - for our kids and our economy - to balance the federal budget.

We need open, honest budgeting. This is your money. And no matter what you hear over the next several months, remember that Republicans have cut $175 billion since winning the House Majority in 2011. If you hear talk about not getting our work done, know that House Republicans have already passed all 12 annual appropriations bills - which fund the federal government - through the Appropriations Committee. The first time that has happened in 8 years and I was proud to contribute as a committee member.

As another federal government shutdown looms this fall, there will be a lot of harsh words and accusations, but remember House Republicans have done our work. While Harry Reid was plotting a shutdown for much of this year - we have made tough choices but we delivered real common sense results - and at a funding level that respects the rule of law and the American taxpayer.
