Graves Votes to Block Federal Funds to Planned Parenthood


Date: Sept. 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

U.S. Representative Sam Graves issued the following statement after the House passed a bill he helped introduce that will block all federal funds to Planned Parenthood. H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act, was approved by a 241-187 vote.

"Taxpayers should never be forced to fund an abortion against their will," Rep. Graves said. "I have tried to hold true to my pro-life convictions throughout my time in office. I have helped introduce bills banning abortion 20 weeks into a pregnancy, voted to strengthen parental consent laws, and have worked to prevent tax dollars from funding abortions."

"But with the release of these heart-wrenching Planned Parenthood videos, it is clear that we have not done enough to protect and defend human life in this country," Rep. Graves continued. "It is disgusting to me that any group that claims to support public health could endorse this kind of inhumane behavior."
