Reauthorizing the Highway Trust Fund and its Impact on Ohio's Third Congressional District

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 21, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to discuss the need for federal highway and transit programs across the nation and for Republican leadership to pass the Highway Trust Fund.

Federal highway and transit programs are vitally important to the third congressional district of Ohio, which I proudly represent.

The design, construction, and maintenance of transportation infrastructure in the third congressional district supports 15,184 full-time jobs, earning these families a total of $602.1 million annually.

Between 2005 and 2014, the federal investment in my congressional district has provided $1.4 billion to support 380 highway and bridge projects worth $2.1 billion.

Republican Leadership's failure to enact a robust, long-term funding bill for our decaying infrastructure system, is hurting our economy and hardworking American families all across our nation.

Mr. Speaker, a long-term bill helps provide good-paying jobs, safe and modern infrastructure, and efficient transportation.

Let's reauthorize the Highway and Transit Trust Fund today, before the October 29th deadline.

