Chairman Becerra: It's Time To Grow Up And Govern


Date: Oct. 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Democratic Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra (CA-34) released the following statement in opposition to H.Res. 461, which would establish a Planned Parenthood Select Committee:

"Just as they did with the discredited Benghazi Select Committee, House Republicans have chosen to establish yet another sham committee, this time to 'investigate' Planned Parenthood. You would think that this Republican Congress had nothing better to do but waste millions of taxpayer dollars conducting partisan fishing expeditions.

"The truth is Republicans came within hours of shutting down our government just seven days ago because they couldn't pass a budget. And in just 65 more days, Republicans will walk us down the same 'shutdown' plank if they don't get to work doing what the American people elect us to do: keep our government -- from national defense to Social Security to health research -- operating the way taxpayers expect.

"When you take your eye off the ball, stuff happens. These wasteful, political select committee investigations are a dangerous distraction at a time when we should be focused on passing a budget, growing jobs and our economy, and keeping America safe.

"It's time for House Republicans to grow up and govern."
