Chairman Becerra on Congressman Sam Farr's Decision to Retire


Date: Nov. 13, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA-34), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, released the following statement on the decision by Congressman Sam Farr to retire at the end of his current term:

"Over the course of more than two decades in the House, Congressman Sam Farr has been a fighter for America's working families, veterans, farmers, and our environment. The communities along California's Central Coast have always had a great ally in Congressman Farr. And he has always been a great friend and mentor to me. Before our service together in Congress, Sam was my able Chairman on the Committee on Local Government in the California State Assembly. The day Sam Farr closes the door to his congressional office for the last time, this nation will lose the wisdom, honesty and vision of a true American leader. Until then, we'll keep him busy working on behalf of hard-working American families."
