Issue Position: Immigration and Securing The Republic

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

The charge by our Founding Fathers to future generations was

... to provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

The failure to secure our borders by the Federal government places all Americans at risk while pushing State budgets to the breaking point. At the 2014 Texas State Republican Convention I lead the floor fight against The Texas Solution that left our borders open while granting blanket amnesty.

Islamic Fundamentalists

Americans were horrified by the events of 9/11 because of a failed immigration policy. The Terrorist events in Paris this past November serve as a sober reminder that the threat of Fundamentalist Islamists has not diminished. Just a few short days after the horrors of Paris, United States Border Patrol captured eight Syrians crossing the border from Mexico in to Texas.
State Budgets

Twenty short years ago the State of Texas spent just 2% of its budget on Medicaid. When the 85th Session begins in January 2017 Medicaid spending will have grown to 25% eclipsing education as the biggest driver of the Texas budget. 52% of live births in Texas are paid for by Medicaid. Does this sound sustainable to you? Of course not.

Open borders provide a pathway for future Terrorist events while causing financial ruin for future generations.

I will fight for:

A secure border that includes completing our Southern wall along the Mexico border.
Deployment of the latest aerial surveillance technology to assist US and TX DPS of impending border incursions.
Deployment of a biometric tracking system for all non-citizens entering and leaving the United States.
Kate's Law and the elimination of Sanctuary Cities. Sanctuary cities should lose federal funds if they continue to defy federal immigration laws
Illegal immigrants will not eligible for entitlement benefits. The magnets must, once and for all be turned off.
Stop the issuance of H-1B Visas immediately and tie future visas to skills that are actually needed. Corporations should not be allowed to use H-1B Visas holders to replace skilled U.S. Workers.
End birthright citizenship. The founders did not intend for the blessing of citizenship to be obtained illegally.
