Adaptation to Changing Crude Oil Markets

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 9, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Chairman, I thank the chairman.

I have often said I don't know why it takes 36 Texans to do one person's job.

I have to tell you, I was prepared to give a great speech and then I listened to my friend from Georgia and, quite honestly, I feel inadequate to the task.

Because you stated it so eloquently and so beautifully, and I am committed to exactly what you talked about.

So maybe what I will try to do instead in my remaining seconds is remind us of the context that it was 72 years ago this week that the Yom Kippur War broke out that led to U.S. aid to Israel, which led to a 5 percent reduction out of OPEC of oil, which led to the very issue we are talking about today, that this historical context in a national security context is not irrelevant.

Let's not, I would say, let history repeat itself, but let's use the peaceful tools of energy development while creating jobs in America replace the weapons of war in Europe and in the Middle East. Let's use our influence for good by selling this American-made product that is produced by American workers, and let's do it in a bipartisan fashion today.

