Issue Position: Fighting Discrimination

Issue Position

We are stronger when we stand together. Our laws need to reflect that simple fact. America is a diverse society founded on principles of equality and freedom. I believe in fostering a culture of mutual respect and the protection of civil and political rights. Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or any other classification has no place in our country. As a member of Congress, I will be a strong leader in the fight against prejudice and injustice.

*Continue the battle against racial discrimination. As recent events have shown, the work of the Civil Rights Movement is far from over.[1] We live in a country where the confederate battle flag is still officially flown in some states. Not only do we need to work to preserve the hard fought protections against racial discrimination enshrined in the Civil Rights Act - we need to forge ahead on new protections in employment, housing, consumer lending and a host of other areas.

*Preserve equal marriage rights. I applaud the recent decision by the Supreme Court ruling state bans against marriage equality unconstitutional.[2] Now the challenge lies in ensuring states fulfill their obligation under the law. Additionally, conservative Members of Congress will continue to assault the legal foundations of marriage equality. I am committed to defending the right of Americans to marry the person they love.

*Extend equal rights to members of the LGBT community. Despite the major strides made in recognizing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Americans, there are still barriers to equality.[3] Many integral pieces of legislation that protect civil and political rights do not include gender identity as a protected class. LGBT individuals have no solid legal recourse against credit discrimination or discrimination in places of public accommodation. I support Congressional efforts to include gender identity as a prohibited category of discrimination under the Civil Rights Act.

*Push back on efforts to weaken the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The ADEA is an essential element in protecting older workers, especially in the wake of the Great Recession when Americans are staying in the workforce longer. Unfortunately, employers use stereotypes about age in making employment decisions.[4] The ADEA provides legal remedy for those who have been fired just because of how long they've been a member of the workforce. I stand against efforts to water down the standards by which ADEA claims are judged.

*Defending the right to choose. Women's rights to privacy and free medical choice are under total assault. The Planned Parenthood controversy has shown us the severity of the threat.[5] If we really want to get serious about abortion, we need to fully fund programs promoting women's health, sex education and responsible family planning. Republican attacks on women's health programs often have a disproportionate effect on poor and minority women. I absolutely oppose any legislation that would infringe on a woman's right to make decisions about what to do with her body.

*Safeguard Disability Rights The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was a landmark bill that established a host of rights and remedies for disabled Americans.[6] I completely support the goals of opportunity, independent living, integration, and economic self-sufficiency for Americans who have a disability.

*Fighting for the Right to Organize. It's of the utmost importance that American workers have the right and the means to organize and collectively bargain.[7] The current state of affairs for workers who attempt to unionize is unacceptable. I support legislation that shortens the needless delay in the election process and allows for fair union access to workers. I will stand against Republican efforts to chip away at the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and support legislation that reaffirms the right to organize, free from employer interference.

*Fight Campus Sexual Assault. Every student has the right to live and learn in an environment free from the fear of assault. We must send a clear message to survivors of sexual assault that we hear you, and we are with you and we won't stop until this crisis is resolved. We can start by demanding and expanding prevention efforts that focus on educating students on consent.[8] But we must also hold higher educational institutions accountable for their lack of urgency in addressing reports of sexual assault on their campuses.

*Fight religious intolerance. The freedom to practice one's religion without government interference is a founding principle of our country.[9] We can all coexist while holding true to our faith. It is important that we do not use religious conviction as a weapon of hatred. I oppose the use of religion to stoke up rage against any group. In Congress, I will work towards creating and maintaining laws that keep principles of religious tolerance in the foreground.
