Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

*I am a fiscal conservative. We should not spend more than we take in.

*Repeal the gas tax. We have record spending in Iowa. I'd rather find ways to cut costs as opposed to raising taxes, especially at 43 percent!

*My goal is to reduce taxes for all hard-working Iowans. The state should consider abolishing its income tax and replacing all taxes with a system that rewards hard work and allows more Iowans to keep more of their earnings. Something like the Fair Tax is both biblical and fair and I fully support it.

*With a declining farm market, we need to do what we can for our backbone workers of the state. This decline may be affecting the manufacturing industry in Iowa as well. As representative I will work to create a more friendly economic environment for farmers and manufacturers.

*Against mandating paid leave for women. This could put a burden on small businesses, having them hire fewer workers and possibly discriminate against women workers too.
