Young Votes to Block Federal Stranglehold on Education of Iowa's Kids

Press Release

Date: Dec. 2, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Iowa Congressman David Young voted for S. 1177 Every Student Succeeds Act. The commonsense legislation sets federal elementary and secondary education policy, replacing No Child Left Behind. It passed with an overwhelming majority and broad bipartisan support, 359-64.

Congressman Young said, "This legislation kills Common Core and kicks the federal government out of Iowa's schools and classrooms. This is a clear step in the right direction and a vote for local control of our education system - empowering parents to be in charge of their kids' education plan, not some Washington bureaucrat.

"A no vote on this bill would have been a vote to continue the failed status quo of federal control. A no vote would have given the federal government a blank check to continue implementing policies and regulations to continue mandating Common Core against the will of Iowa parents and the American people, I could not support that," said Congressman Young.

The Every Student Success Act repeals the web of federal testing mandates created by No Child Left Behind and 49 other ineffective programs. Two big reforms for parents: it prevents the federal government from forcing states to adopt Common Core and it dramatically reduces the control of Washington bureaucrats - namely the Secretary of Education - in Iowa classrooms. The Wall Street Journal noted the bill represents, "the largest devolution of federal control to the states in a quarter-century."
