Pompeo on President Obama's "Dangerously Wrong" Priorities: "Radical Climate Change Agenda Is Not More Important than Fighting ISIS"

Press Release

Date: Nov. 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) today released the following statement regarding the President's upcoming trip to the United Nations summit on climate change in Paris:

"The President has his priorities dangerously wrong. He is now headed to Paris to bow down to radical environmentalists, all the while refusing to stand up to radical Islamists. In this city that has suffered an enormous tragedy at the hands of jihadists, our President stands ready to handcuff the global economy instead of the barbarians that seek to kill Americans, our allies, and others all over the world.

"The stated goal of the U.N. summit is to achieve binding agreements on carbon reduction. The U.S. Constitution requires international agreements of this magnitude and scope to be ratified by the United States Senate. As our Commander in Chief, I am confident that President Obama understands this too. I know the global community does, and I look forward to watching the debate on the President's post-Paris proposals. What is clear is that for our President, this is political grandstanding of the worst order.

"I find it odd too that President Obama refused to join with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and EU President Donald Tusk when innocents were killed by Islamic terrorists during the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish supermarket attacks, but he has plenty of time to attend an elitist effort to reduce the power of the United States economy.

"President Obama has called climate change the biggest national security threat of our lifetime, but he is horribly wrong. His unwillingness to acknowledge the true threat posed by Islamic extremism will get Americans killed. His perverse fixation on achieving his economically harmful environmental agenda instead of defeating the true threats facing the world shows just how out of sync his priorities are with Kansans and the American people.
