Steve Santarsiero Statement on "Red to Blue" Ranking


Date: Feb. 11, 2016
Location: Morrisville, PA
Issues: Elections

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced their first round of "Red to Blue" rankings -- a list of the Democratic Party's best pickup opportunities in the United States House of Representatives. The list ranked Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District as a Red to Blue district. State Representative and US Congressional candidate Steve Santarsiero released the following statement:

"In 2008, I turned a Republican-held state house district blue and I'm ready to do it again in Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District. After earning the Democratic Party's endorsement and now with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee listing this race on their "Red to Blue" program, I'm ready to take on the Republicans and return responsible leadership to this Congressional seat. I've been a proven progressive fighter in the State House where I've earned a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, fought to protect Pennsylvanian jobs, and authored our commonwealth's universal background check bill for sensible gun safety. A lot of candidates just talk and as my dad always says, "talk is cheap." I'm ready to go to Congress to continue walking the walk."
