Faa Reauthorization Bill

Floor Speech

Date: April 13, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, whether traveling for business or leisure, American passengers want to feel safe and informed when flying. They also want to feel assured that in light of recent terror attacks, more is being done in our airports and in our skies. Chairman Thune knows this, and that is why he has worked attentively with Members from both sides to put forth this bipartisan FAA reauthorization and security bill. I appreciate his work with the Aviation Subcommittee chair, Senator Ayotte, and their counterparts, Senator Nelson and Senator Cantwell, to move this important bill forward.

There are several good security measures included in the bill, such as increased efforts to prevent cyber security risks and efforts to help better prepare us when it comes to communicable diseases. But these Senators didn't stop there; they worked to include additional safety measures in an amendment that passed by a bipartisan majority.

Here is what we know the amendment will do: It will help prevent the ``inside threat'' of terrorism by enhancing inspections and vetting of airport employees. It will require a review of perimeter security. It will also improve various efforts to secure international flights coming into our airports.

In addition to these steps designed to ramp up security, we also adopted an amendment from Senator Heinrich that would increase security in prescreening areas which could be vulnerable to terror attacks. And Senators Toomey and Casey have worked tirelessly to get the Senate to pass an amendment addressing the security of cockpit doors.

These three amendments, put forth by Republicans and Democrats, emphasize the bipartisan nature of this issue and of this bipartisan FAA reauthorization and security bill.

Nearly 60 amendments from both sides were accepted in committee, and more than a dozen from both sides were accepted here on the floor. I encourage Members to continue working across the aisle to move this bill forward.

As the chairman reminded us yesterday, this bill contains the most comprehensive set of aviation security reforms in years. So let's take the next step in passing this legislation and getting it one step closer to becoming law.

