FAA Reauthorization Bill

Floor Speech

Date: April 20, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, under a new majority the Senate is getting back to work, and progress is being made on behalf of the American people. We saw another example of that yesterday when we passed the most pro-passenger, pro-security FAA reauthorization in years.

It is the product of dedicated work from Senator Thune, Senator Ayotte, and their ranking member counterparts, Senators Nelson and Cantwell. These Senators ensured that Republicans and Democrats both had a say on this bill, and we ultimately arrived at balanced legislation that passed by a very strong bipartisan majority.

It takes important strides to bolster national security against the threat of terrorism, it contains provisions to help frustrated passengers, and it won't levy a nickel in new taxes or fees on passengers or impose the kind of overregulation that can take away their choice or threaten service.

As the Washington Post reminded us, this is ``the second major transportation bill approved by the Senate within five months.''

So whether it is providing long-term solutions for highway funding, permanent tax relief for families and small businesses, or commonsense reforms for airline passengers and airport security, this much is clear: The Republican-led Senate is working to address issues that affect our constituents on a daily basis.

