National Bison Legacy Act

Floor Speech

Date: April 26, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. NOEM. I thank the chairman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, today I support the National Bison Legacy Act because it is a very important bill to the tribes in my State and also to the heritage of South Dakota and the United States. It is a bill that I helped Representative Clay of Missouri introduce, and I thank him for all of his hard work on the legislation. It has been a long process, but we are finally here today to get it across the House floor.

I am thrilled to sponsor this bill with my colleagues, to raise up an enduring symbol of our Nation's Native American heritage, the American frontier, and the resilience that has long distinguished America from others around the globe.

The Tatanka is important both physically and spiritually in Native American culture. These animals offered food, shelter, tools, and clothing. Native Americans could make soap from the fat and homes from their hides. Every piece was used, which is why bison were, and continue to be, a symbol of survival and a cultural example of how to live in a healthy and productive manner. This bill recognizes that.

There are also lessons to be learned about resilience from these animals. Bison roamed across most of North America before nearly being wiped from existence. Through the efforts of tribes, ranchers, conservationists, and others, the species has survived and can once again be lifted as a literal and cultural example of productivity from which each of us can learn.

I am proud that my family has raised bison as well. They are majestic animals that represent the Plains that we are so proud of and that I am so honored to represent today.

I want to thank the chairman and his staff for bringing this bill to the floor.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote ``yes.''

