Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act

Floor Speech


Mr. WALBERG. I thank Mr. Barletta for what he is doing here today.

Mr. Speaker, I rise as a proud original cosponsor of H.R. 4843, the Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act, which takes important steps in protecting our most vulnerable citizens from the damaging effects of addiction.

As communities in Michigan and around the country fight against the growing opioid epidemic, it is important for stakeholders at all levels to work together to reverse the trends of addiction and find solutions for the families who are swept up by this public health crisis. Tragically, we know that, every 25 minutes, a baby is born in our country having been exposed to drugs and suffering from opioid withdrawal.

A Federal law is already in place to help ensure these newborns have the necessary protections and care once they are born, but the system is still failing some of our most defenseless children and their families. Recent investigations have uncovered the failure of the Department of Health and Human Services to effectively monitor the implementation of State-level plans to prevent child abuse and neglect, and some States are still receiving taxpayer dollars despite their not following the laws that are in place to ensure the safe care of newborns.

The bill we are considering today would require HHS to review and confirm that States are properly following and enforcing the policies that are outlined in Federal law to protect infants who are affected by drug dependency. It also strengthens protections for infants who have been exposed to illegal substances, and it ensures best practices are disseminated to States for developing plans to keep infants and their caregivers safe.

Mr. Speaker, we must do better to provide these babies and their mothers with the help they need.

I thank my colleagues, Representatives Barletta and Clark, for their leadership in crafting this bipartisan bill, and I encourage all of my colleagues to vote in support.

