Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

We need to support investment for improvement in infrastructure projects. This includes upgrading transportation, communication and technology infrastructure so that we can be competitive when courting business and industry.

These investments will incentivize businesses and create jobs as well as creating a positive climate for growth. We should explore development of these incentives to not add to the state deficit.

We must also continue to support legislation that will attract "green" industries to our state. This serves many purposes.

Incentives will bring "green technology" to Illinois; provide jobs while renewing our commitment to our environment and setting the stage for job growth in the future. For example, recent legislation addressed re-configuring public buildings to add energy efficiency by providing competitive matching grants.

Our school district applied and was awarded a matching grant that provided jobs, demonstrated a commitment and leadership in green technology, ultimately save the district in energy costs, and is a great lesson for students during the process of setting up the technology on the school site.

We should also consider partnering with other professionals to identify people/small businesses that are looking to begin a new business or expand a current one and provide assistance/loans.
