Issue Position: Illegal Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Immigration

The United States has, for centuries, been a place where people from all over the world want to come seeking freedom, opportunity and a better life. Immigrants from other nations have always been welcomed and our immigration policies have given this privilege to millions who have come here legally. We now face the problem of dealing with millions that are here illegally and our government appears powerless to address the issue. Many do work in the underground economy but many more take advantage of our generosity through free education, health care and welfare/social services. In North Carolina alone these costs, which are borne by the taxpayers, amounts to over $1 billion, or about 5% of our total tax revenues. Without an end in sight, this problem will continue until we are forced to disrupt other essential services just to continue to provide free benefits to those who break our laws.
