Rep. Rokita Addresses The National School Boards Association

Press Release

Date: June 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

This week, U.S. Representative Todd Rokita (IN-04) addressed over 600 members of the National School Boards Association, including members from Indiana, at their annual Advocacy Institute in Washington, D.C.

Rep. Rokita spoke about the recently-enacted Every Student Succeeds Act. Rep. Rokita was a primary author of the bill, leading the bill's passage in the House and negotiating with both the Senate and the President. The President signed the bill into law in December, 2015.

"The Every Student Succeeds Act was supported by this great organization last year. It represents the "largest devolution of federal control to the states in a quarter-century,' according to the Wall Street Journal. That's not just in education, that's in any law the Journal has seen in 25 years. This means more authority and responsibility for local elected officials, teachers, and parents," said Rokita.

Rep. Rokita is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, and is also Vice Chairman of the House Budget Committee, and is the only Hoosier Republican on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
