Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Agriculture is still the largest industry in North Dakota; one of the few industries in our economy where the US exports more than it imports. Agriculture is a critical part of our national security and energy policies.

America, with North Dakota farmers leading the way, has been growing its own and thereby not having to rely on foreign nations for our food source. We must continue to hold policies that protect our Ag producers; allowing them to produce the safest and best products in the world without the overreaching heavy hand of the federal government hindering growth and prosperity.

The recent fight against the EPA wanting to regulate our lands by controlling "puddles of water" (Waters of the US Act), shows this fight is ongoing and serious. We must use our 10th Amendment Right when protecting landownership and state's resources.

North Dakota's producers can and should continue to lead the way in America, assuring consistent and innovative food production, allowing economic stabilization and simultaneously having global impact on national security.

Ronald Reagan said, "This country is nothing without the farmer, and those who work the land have the right to know that there is a future in farming. Their children have the right to know that they'll still be able to work the family farm generations from now and make a decent living."

I will do my utmost to build on this legacy. After all, like many of you, I have children who want to farm and the legislative choices we make today will affect their future greatly.
