Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Education is the top issue in South Carolina, accounting for one-half the state budget. The future of our state hinges on our ability to educate our children and prepare our young adults for an ever-changing, competitive workforce.

We have an antiquated formula for funding K-12 education that short-changes growing districts like Aiken and Lexington while not allowing rural districts like Edgefield, McCormick, and Saluda to access the technology and hire the teachers that are necessary for a 21st century education. Education is expensive, but money is not the answer to every problem. No child should be stuck in a failing school. Good teachers should be allowed to teach without excessive and unnecessary paperwork. Administrators should have the power and responsibility to get bad teachers out of the classroom. Teachers and administrators should have the authority to maintain discipline. And school districts should be required to spend more of their money in the classroom and less at the district office.

Shane supports Governor Nikki Haley's education reform initiatives to ensure students are reading on grade level by 3rd grade, beef up technology in rural districts, recruit good teachers to work in underperforming districts, and have the state Superintendent of Education appointed by the governor.

While we certainly have our challenges, South Carolina has some terrific teachers and exceptionally bright students. We should recognize and celebrate those successes.
