Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Meloyde strongly believes quality public education is the cornerstone to the viability of our community. For too long, our state has under-prioritized and underfunded public schools. We know that our schools can provide quality educations, but we need leaders who will fight for more resources in our classrooms and higher pay for our educators so that we don't lose our best talent to surrounding states and so Oklahoma has a pipeline of teaching talent we can immediately rely on when needed.

She also knows that education and the economy are directly related. Meloyde believes we need to do more for working families struggling to make ends meet, because success in school starts at home. Every child is capable of learning but there is a direct correlation between poverty and that child's ability to be successful in school. She also wants to find ways to help our schools propel students into either good colleges or quality technical training, because an educated and trained workforce helps our entire community thrive both socially and economically.
