Rick Santorum Endorsement

Press Release

Congressman John Fleming, M.D., (R-LA) announced today that his campaign for United States Senate has received the endorsement of former Republican presidential candidate and winner of the 2012 Louisiana Republican primary Rick Santorum.

Rick Santorum endorses Dr. Fleming for US Senate

Congressman John Fleming said: "I am honored to receive Senator Santorum's endorsement. Rick Santorum has been the leading voice in fighting for the unborn, the protection of our 2nd Amendment rights, and hardworking families for 25 years. Senator Santorum understands Louisiana values and the people of Louisiana gave him a resounding victory in 2012. I am looking forward to working with Senator Santorum in the weeks and months to come as we continue to grow our campaign and take our hopeful, conservative message across Louisiana."

Senator Rick Santorum said: "I am excited to endorse John Fleming for U.S. Senate. John has spent his life committed to public service and helping his community. As a naval doctor, John served our nation proudly. As a small businessman, John was a successful job creator. And as a congressman, John has fought for taxpayers and our constitution every step of the way. I have no doubt that John will bring strong conservative, Louisiana values to the Senate and I am proud to support his candidacy."

Rick Santorum (R-PA) served in the House of Representatives from 1991 -- 1995 and in the United States Senate from 1995 -- 2007. Santorum was the principle author of the landmark 1996 Welfare Reform law that has helped millions of Americans transition from welfare-to-work. A staunch defender of the dignity of life, Santorum authored the law banning the heinous procedure known as partial-birth abortion as well as the Unborn Victims of Violence Act and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Santorum was also the Senate leader in combatting radical Islam, authoring tough sanctions on both Iran and Syria. A candidate for President of the United States in 2012 and 2016, Santorum was the winner of the 2012 Louisiana Republican Presidential Primary-- winning 49% of the vote and all but one Louisiana parish in a 4-way field.
