Issue Position: Creating Jobs and Growing the Economy

Issue Position

Missouri should be a leader in job growth and business development. We have terrific resources and a strong workforce. Sadly, under the Nixon Administration we are leading the nation in jobs lost. We need to cut needless regulations and create a fair and simple tax code in order to unleash the innovation of small business owners in our state. Phil will work to get government out of the way so that businesses can thrive and create jobs for Missouri families. More importantly, on every single vote, Phil will ask a simple question: Will this legislation make it easier or harder for a business to create a job in this state? If the answer is no, he will oppose the legislation. Like you with your retirement savings, businesses have a choice of where to invest. They choose the locations that offer the best return and the highest chance for success. For too long, Missouri has been driving jobs away by making it harder for people to bet on Missouri and her workers.
