Ashford Continues Pattern of Misleading Constituents

Press Release

Date: June 21, 2016

On Monday, the Independent Journal Review carried a story which featured a video of Brad Ashford responding to a question about his political affiliation by saying "I don't know. Whatever you want me to be." This latest gaffe underscores the political reality that Ashford is ready and willing to be whatever it takes to stay in office.

"Despite his posturing, Brad Ashford has proven that he is willing to be whatever the Democrat establishment wants him to be. Since his election to Congress, Brad Ashford has voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House twice, voted in support of Obamacare, and demonstrated a clear lack of understanding over critical national security issues", said Bacon for Congress Campaign Manager Mark Dreiling.

The Ashford gaffe continues his pattern of misleading comments to constituents. In December 2015, Ashford proudly endorsed Hillary Clinton and serves on her Nebraska Leadership Team. But in January 2016, when asked by a constituent about who Ashford is supporting for President, Ashford stated, "Right now, I'm all of them, I, I, I don't -- all the candidates right now, as I said, I like Bush and Clinton."

"This is yet another example of Brad Ashford saying one thing to voters and saying something else to the Washington Democrat Establishment. Brad Ashford is another liberal career politician who will say or do anything to get elected. That's why Nebraska voters are strongly supporting Don Bacon, who offers straight talk and serious leadership on important issues like fighting terrorism, reducing the debt and repealing Obamacare," said Dreiling.
