Issue Position: Affordable and Accessible Health Care

Issue Position

I view health care as a basic human right. As such I co-authored legislation known as the Minnesota Health Plan, which envisions a single state-wide plan to cover all Minnesotans. I will continue to counter misleading attacks on the Affordable Care Act, and support efforts to expand Medicaid and provide for affordable prescription drug coverage. I am a staunch defender of reproductive choice, and oppose efforts to cut public support for Planned Parenthood.

I support a strong health care safety net and medical assistance reforms to ensure that people with disabilities are fully covered by state and federal programs. State policy must also address health care disparities, and health impacts of chemicals in our air, water, and soil. I am an advocate of lower staff-patient ratios in hospitals and clinics, and increased funding for mental health services. I support additional resources to increase the number of students of color and rural practitioners in the University of Minnesota Medical school and in nursing programs around the state.

I strongly support increased funding for HIV AIDS prevention and treatment.
