Issue Position: Reform the "Ruling Class" Culture of Washington

Issue Position

The Founding Fathers envisioned a system of government in which individual citizens were elected to serve the interests of the people. Elected officials are not superior to the people. In The Federalist No. 57, James Madison remarked that a staple of a free society is that the legislature "can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of society."
Modern Washington culture has drifted far away from the ideals of our Founders. Too often, politicians in both parties go to Washington in the blind pursuit of power. Rather than focus their energy on defending the Constitution and serving the interests of taxpayers, many politicians bask in the perks of office and make perpetuating themselves in office their top priority.
Florida families deserve better. Ron has made reforming the ruling class culture of Washington one of his top issues.
Ending congressional pensions. Ron declined a congressional pension immediately upon taking office. He has also authored a bill to eliminate congressional pensions for all members because taxpayers should not have to fund lucrative pensions for politicians, many of whom go on to make huge amounts of money as lobbyists when they leave Congress.
No congressional exemption from ObamaCare. Ron does not believe that members of Congress are entitled to special treatment under Obamacare. He declined the taxpayer-financed health care subsidy and introduced legislation to end the congressional exemption under ObamaCare.
28th Amendment. Ron introduced a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution that would prohibit members of Congress from exempting themselves from laws that apply to the rest of the country.
