Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

I want to hold up "the Minnesota Model" of healthcare delivery as a way to make our healthcare systems more cost-effective by rewarding health care providers for outcomes rather than paying them for the number of services they provide. As your State Senator, I will:

*Promote policies that reward healthcare providers for outcomes rather than more expensive fee-per-service healthcare delivery
*Hold insurance companies accountable for their responsibility to cover mental healthcare services just as they cover physical healthcare
*Provide access to affordable high-quality healthcare and improved health outcomes
*Invest in services for seniors in nursing homes, children in our mental health system, the working poor to ensure access to quality care for all of our citizens
*Ensure adequate support for the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) and other prevention initiatives
*Develop our mental health system to better meet the needs of Minnesotans who have mental illnesses and/or chemical dependency issues
