Issue Position: Strengthen Working Vermonters

Issue Position

Vermont's families are the foundation of our communities and our economy, yet too many are struggling to make ends meet. I will fight for:

* Economic Security
* Vermont families are struggling with stagnant wages and income inequality. It is unacceptable that someone can work full-time and not meet their basic needs. When families can't meet basic needs they often rely on heating assistance, food stamps, government health programs -- causing taxpayers to subsidize low-wage employers. If we can increase wages, we will all do better and decrease need to social services. Vermont needs a higher minimum wage so that all workers can make ends meet.

* Affordable housing
* Our region struggles with a lack of available housing at an affordable price. Housing that is safe and affordable is a basic need of all Vermonters. I will work with housing providers and advocates to expand housing choices, increase home production and preservation.

* Healthcare Reform
* Rising healthcare costs are burdening the budgets of our schools, communities, businesses and families. An economy that works for all Vermonters must include a health care system that is efficient, affordable, and rewards providers for keeping people healthy rather than fitting as many procedures as possible into a fifteen minute slot. We can secure accessible and affordable healthcare for all Vermonters and ensure that we spend our dollars on high-level medical care, not paperwork, bureaucracy, and profit.
