Issue Position: Taxes and Spending

Issue Position

I think we can all agree that the two most important issues currently facing Connecticut are our government's spending, and the high tax burden it has placed on us as residents. Our working families and elderly retirees can no longer afford to call Connecticut home and as a result, they are departing in record numbers. You don't have to look far to see a "FOR SALE" sign in Bristol.

It is an understatement to say that the economy has remained lackluster in Connecticut. The record of Governor Malloy and his administration is a stunning demonstration of dismal accomplishment. The facts do not lie:

5th Worst State in which to Make a Living --
4th Worst State in which to be a Taxpayer --
4th Highest Gas Tax -- American Petroleum Institute

This is unacceptable.

In the past four years, the leadership in Hartford have mortgaged the futures of our children and grandchildren. This has to stop. Despite the Governor's enactment of the largest tax increase in Connecticut history, We are still facing a $1.6 BILLION dollar deficit next year. I have stood up for the taxpayers of Connecticut by voting against the 2015 Budget put forward by the Governor and majority party. I believe that the state of Connecticut must follow the example of Connecticut households: Live within it's means.
