Humane Society Endorses Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress

Press Release

Date: Oct. 26, 2016
Location: Doylestown, PA

Brian Fitzpatrick, former FBI special agent and federal prosecutor, has earned the endorsement of the Humane Society Legislative Fund -- the non-partisan advocacy arm of the Humane Society of the United States, the nation's largest and most effective animal protection organization.

"It is an honor to earn the support of such an accomplished and respected organization committed to the protection of animals," said Fitzpatrick. "As an FBI special agent and federal prosecutor I've spent my life protecting our families; as a member of Congress I'll serve as a protector and advocate of all creatures."

"We've forgotten a few things this election season because of the chaos from the top of the tickets, but we cannot forget that an election is all about service. That's why I'm supporting Brian Fitzpatrick to represent Pennsylvania's Eighth District in Congress," said veterinary technician Ben Graves, Jr. of Bensalem. "As a longtime FBI agent, Fitzpatrick has protected American citizens, and I trust him to continue to do the same as a legislator. Fitzpatrick was recently endorsed by the national Humane Society's Legislative Fund. A man who is committed to animals -- the most voiceless and vulnerable among us -- is the kind of man I want representing me in Washington."

The endorsement is another in a line of high profile endorsements Fitzpatrick has earned over the last month -- including: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of Independent Business, BIPAC, Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police and Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association.
