Fitzpatrick Calls on Santarsiero to Return Salary for Missed Votes


Date: Oct. 17, 2016
Location: Doylestown, PA

Brian Fitzpatrick, former FBI Supervisory Special Agent and former federal prosecutor, released the following statement Monday calling on PA Representative Steve Santarsiero to return his taxpayer-funded salary for skipped votes during the State House's September legislative session. Last month, Santarsiero failed to cast a vote for nearly 70% of roll call votes despite serving as the representative of his constituents in Harrisburg.

"It's bad enough Steve Santarsiero hasn't passed a single bill into law in his more than seven years in Harrisburg, but now he's not even showing up for work… yet he's still collecting a taxpayer-funded paycheck. Since he missed 68% of his votes in September, I'm calling on Steve Santarsiero to return 68% of his salary for the same period. It's only fair.

Steve Santarsiero shouldn't be skipping the job he's elected to do right now, to campaign for the job he wants next; that's the exact career politician mindset that people are sick and tired of. If my opponent isn't willing to work for the people he represents now, why should they believe he'll work for them in Washington?"
