Gianforte Responds to AG's Report Concerning the Destruction of Public Records by Steve Bullock

Press Release

Date: Oct. 18, 2016
Location: Missoula, MT

October 18, 2016-- "It's a brazen violation of state law, with zero expectation that he would ever be held accountable." That's how Bozeman businessman and tech entrepreneur Greg Gianforte characterized the actions of Governor Steve Bullock when he destroyed all of his email records from his time as Attorney General.

Gianforte was responding to a new report sent to the Chairman of the Montana Senate Judiciary Committee by Attorney General Tim Fox.

GREG GIANFORTE: "This report, along with the official "State of Montana Email Guidelines,' make it very clear that the responsibility to maintain those official state records was on then Attorney General Steve Bullock. It's time for the governor to come clean and admit he broke state open records laws. This is one reason we need more accountability in state government."

Earlier Monday, Gianforte announced plans to create a new Office of Government Accountability (OGA) to restore integrity and accountability to state government once he is elected governor. One of the responsibilities of the OGA, working in concert with the Department of Administration, will be to require a back-up for all electronic correspondence for all elected officials and their appointees. Never again will state officials be able to claim that they can't find emails or that the emails don't exist.
