Bilirakis Statement on Veteran Bonuses


Date: Oct. 25, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Gus Bilirakis, Vice Chair of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, released the following statement on former and current service members being forced to repay bonuses offered for their service.

"It is truly appalling that thousands of current and former Army National Guard soldiers are facing forced repayments of bonuses they were promised over a decade ago. Those who answered the call to serve after September 11 should not be punished after they have already sacrificed so much.

"The most glaring irony here is that the Administration can easily go after bonuses for our men and women in uniform, but has not done anything to recoup the bonuses of failed managers at the VA. This treatment of the people who served our country is indefensible, and I have requested the Secretary of the Army grant an exception to the repayment. The men and women who help keep our nation safe deserve nothing less."

Bilirakis today joined his colleagues on the House Military Veterans Caucus in a letter asking Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning to allow affected National Guard members to keep their bonuses.
