Blog: Fair Taxes for Our Heroes


Date: Dec. 5, 2016
Issues: Taxes Veterans

On Monday (December 5), the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5015, the Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016. This is one of many bills passed in recent weeks that address the needs of the men and women who have fought for our freedoms.

H.R. 5015 allows veterans to receive a refund of income taxes improperly collected by the Defense Department on "certain disability severance payments," according to the House Republican Conference. Veterans dating back to those with combat-related injuries paid after January 17, 1991, would be impacted under this bill.

While it was wrong to withhold these taxes from veterans, I hope this bill returns to veterans what was rightfully theirs, and I was proud to cosponsor and support this common sense piece of legislation.
